May 8, 2023

On April 25, 2023, the U.S. House of Representatives broke new foreign policy ground by voting 401-19 on a resolution congratulating Israel on its 75th anniversary and the so-called Abraham Accords with four Arab states. And for once, it didn’t demand the dangerously delusional Two-State Solution (“TSS”)

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It was a routine text, similar to others the House issued in previous years; new was the absence of any reference to the verbal hologram of the “Palestinians.” (A hologram is something that looks like it is there but really is not.) And for that omission, the 18 anti-Israel representatives angrily voted against it. For them, Israel is the obstacle to peace because it refuses to let the putatively primeval Palestinian people have a state in “their” ancient homeland. Therefore, the absence of any nod to the messianic TSS was unbalanced.

Repeatedly over the years, House statements on Israel’s Independence Day have promoted the TSS. The 2018 version supported a “negotiated settlement leading to a sustainable two-state solution with the democratic, Jewish state of Israel and a demilitarized, democratic Palestinian state living side-by-side in peace and security,” which was then and still is thoroughly divorced from reality, wishful thinking, and virtually messianic. A “democratic” state? Of today’s twenty-one Arab states, how many are democratic?

And a “demilitarized” one? No Arab Muslim would ever agree to such an insult to his manhood. In 1982, after a dozen years of Arab terrorists in southern Lebanon and their horrors, Israel had had enough. The government sent the Israel Defense Force over the border to drive thousands of PLO gunmen northward, retreating into Beirut.

Image by Bruce Emmerling. CC BY 2.0.

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Israel pounded the PLO even there, but when the terrorists were ready to surrender and depart the country, they refused to be disarmed of their personal weapons. They would rather die in Beirut as soldier-victims of Al-Yahud/the Jews than submit to this humiliation. So, they were allowed to keep their guns as they traveled to the port. And because they had survived the Israeli onslaught and lived to murder another day, they celebrated Arab style by firing off bursts of their beloved Kalashnikovs as their open-air trucks careened through Beirut streets. Not surprisingly, an untold number of innocent Lebanese pedestrians were not only wounded, but some also fell dead.

What is also functionally delusional in the TSS is the implicit fantasy that when it comes to Judea and Samaria—the names on all maps for thousands of years, “West Bank” only came into common usage in 1968–handing them over will satisfy these Muslims. And I say Muslims, not “Palestinians,” because, contrary to the most successful psychological warfare operation in history that invented this phantom nation, these people are not “Palestinian” in any way.

There is nothing “Palestinian” about them. When their would-be martyrs drive a vehicle into a clutch of Jews waiting for a bus, and the drivers jump out with a knife to stab those still alive, they shout, “Allahu Akbar!/Allah is the greatest!” They will never yell “Long live Balestine!” (sic), a name so alien to these Arabs rooted in the Arabian Peninsula that they cannot pronounce it properly.

In 2006, elections for a “Palestinian” assembly were held, but 75% of the winners represented the anti-nationalist Muslim Brotherhood, the granddaddy of all Muslim murder cults. And ever since, the Palestinian Authority has never held another election because it knows it would produce the same results.

The local Brotherhood franchise in Israel calls itself Hamas, but it is still the same Brotherhood founded in 1928 to oppose Ataturk’s modernizing Turkey and the infusion of secularism into the Islamic body politic. Islam sees nationalism as a Western, infidel import. Nationalism is a rival for the affection of Believers in the Umma, the international congregation of Believers in the One True Faith.

That’s why we no longer hear of, as we did in the 1960s, 70s, and 80s, terror units in the PLO syndicate with political names such as the Palestine Liberation Front, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP); the PFLP-General Command, etc. Fatah, the only gang with an Islamic name was, therefore, the most successful and largest. Fatah is the title of the 48th sura/chapter in the Koran. It means “conquest” and, in context, “conquest of the infidels.”