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Ex-Netanyahu chief of staff Harow begins testimony at corruption trial

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s former chief of staff Ari Harow began his testimony as state’s witness against his ex-boss for corruption at the Jerusalem District Court on Tuesday.

The American-born Harow was set to testify on Case 2000, the Yediot Aharonot-Israel Hayom Affair, which alleges that Netanyahu sought to weaken a competitor of the paper in return for positive coverage.

Harow’s relationship with Netanyahu spans years

Harow serves as a close advisor for Netanyahu for years. Since 2008 he took the role first as Netanyahu’s bureau chief, then his chief of staff, and finally as Likud campaign director for the 2015 election.

Harow faced his own fraud and breach of trust charges but made a plea bargain to testify against Netanyahu. Harow will serve six months of community service and pay a NIS 700,000 fine.

After Harow, another group of witnesses will testify on cases 1000 and 2000. The prosecution expects these testimonies to be shorter. Case 2000, the Yediot Aharonot-Israel Hayom Affair, alleges that the prime minister sought to weaken a competitor of the paper in return for positive coverage.


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