Ainsley Earhardt Wants Children to Know ‘God Put You Here for a Reason’

An uplifting comment from Ainsley Earhardt’s childhood is the basis for a new children’s book that teaches children they’re not an accident but instead were created by God for a purpose.
I’m So Glad You Were Born: Celebrating Who You Are (Zonderkidz) is a 32-age children’s book filled with faith-based, hope-filled rhyme and colorful illustrations that Earhardt says will teach kids “God has a plan for your life.” It was illustrated by Kim Barnes and has been a bestseller on Amazon’s children’s books lists since it was released. It also reached No. 1 on The New York Times bestseller list for children’s picture books.
Earhardt is a bestselling author and a host of Fox and Friends.
“My mother when we were growing up, she loved the phrase, ‘I’m so glad you were born’ and would say that to us on our birthdays,” Earhardt told Christian Headlines.
She began using the phrase as an adult. At first, she said, people laughed, but then she would tell them, “It’s the day you came into this world, and it’s important for us to celebrate, and to let you know, not only on your birthday, but all days that you have a purpose and a plan and God has big things in store for you.”
It is her third children’s book, following Through Your Eyes and Take Heart My Child.
Earhardt said she uses the phrase a lot with her daughter, Hayden, who is in first grade.
“I want this book to reach out to children or to teenagers or anyone and let them know: You do have a purpose. This is not just an accident that God put you here for you to just flail around,” she said. “… It’s not about luck. It’s not about going through life and you’re lucky if you get this or you’re lucky if you get that. It is about knowing if you have a relationship with God, that you know you have a purpose, that God put you here for a reason. He doesn’t do anything by accident. And He has a plan for your life and all you have to do is follow Him. … If you walk with Him, life is so much easier. When you fall down, you know, God’s gonna pick you back up, and you know that things are going to be okay. And God has a plan for your life.”
She dedicated the book to Hayden.
“God has gifted me with this amazing child,” she said. “And I know that I’m borrowing her from the Lord.”
Photo courtesy: ©Zonderkidz, used with permission.
Michael Foust has covered the intersection of faith and news for 20 years. His stories have appeared in Baptist Press, Christianity Today, The Christian Post, the Leaf-Chronicle, the Toronto Star and the Knoxville News-Sentinel.
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