May 10, 2023

Last year, Forbes concluded that “only 16% of adults in the U.S. say they have a great deal or quite a lot of confidence in newspapers, and just 11% said the same for television news.”  Anyone confronting these stats must conclude that our media are deeply incompetent or crooked or both.

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The New York Times announced a few years ago that defeating Trump was the important thing.  They gave themselves a free pass to lie all they want.  How can they now reclaim their honor or their usefulness?

Real journalists, when they hear an assertion, immediately try to determine whether the assertion is true or false.  This is also what scientists do.  It’s honest, valuable work.

Unfortunately, our liberal journalists do not care about true or false.  When they hear an assertion, they try to determine whether it will help their agenda…their narrative. 

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If it won’t help, they know they must attack the assertion, typically by declaring it debunked, fake news, or misinformation.

Let’s try to recapture what the Founding Fathers imagined when they put freedom of press at a high place in the national schema.  Ideally, we could always assume that major media were telling us the truth as honestly as they could.  But nothing can be assumed anymore.

Novelist Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (1918–2008) and Czech statesman Václav Havel (1936–2011), having lived under communist dictatorships, knew what hell on earth looks like.  They ended up with the same obsession that, before all else, we must “live in truth.”  Conversely, they figured out that societies start to crumble when the leaders are concerned primarily with their own ambitions, their own realities.

George Orwell was also obsessed with the necessity of living in truth.  His novel 1984 is full of references to truth, freedom, slavery, power, manipulation, and warping reality.  Once you’re separated from truth, everything becomes a cruel game; ordinary citizens don’t have a chance.  Lies and bad government go together.  That was the point of 1984.

The USA is now sinking into near-1984 reality.  Almost every day, the White House lies, the CDC lies, the FBI lies, the CIA lies, the DOJ lies, and famous media giants lie, blatantly and clumsily.  At this point, doesn’t the whole world know that the Biden family took lots of money from foreign governments?  How is he able to run for a second term? 

Indeed of a Great Reset, we watched a Great Convergence of dishonest media and disingenuous education.  Schools won’t teach truth, and media won’t report truth.  If students don’t know any history, they are not surprised that our president takes millions from foreign countries.  Probably it was always like that.