Jesus' Coming Back

Biden DHS Is Literally Inviting Mexican Officials To Send Batches Of Illegal Aliens Across The Border

Instead of stopping the illegal aliens currently swarming the border thanks to the upcoming expiration of Title 42 — a pandemic-era policy that allowed Border Patrol to immediately expel illegal migrants upon first encounter — the Biden administration is actively facilitating unlawful entries into the United States.

According to a report from the Center for Immigration Studies, President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security has been coordinating with Mexican immigration officers to facilitate group swims across the border using an encrypted WhatsApp channel.

Mexican immigration officers explained to the Center for Immigration Studies that in late April, DHS initiated a “controlled-flow” system with Mexican officials.

Under the arrangement, Mexican senior officers have been continually informing U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials how many immigrants are “gathered and [are] prepared to cross the river.” Then, “the Americans on the other side would ask the Mexicans to hold back the migrants – not because such crossings are illegal and should be blocked and obstructed, but only until the Americans had finished processing the last batch,” explained Todd Bensman for the Center for Immigration Studies. 

When the Americans can take more illegal migrants, they send word to the Mexican officials, who radio their on-ground immigration officers. The immigration officers “signal to the waiting crowd to go forward and, once they figure enough are in the water, they cut off the rest and push and cajole them back into line until the Americans signal they’re ready again.”

“Controlled-flow by the Biden administration’s DHS with Mexico also constitutes a highly unusual U.S. policy that demonstrates formal acquiescence to illegal immigration and an official willingness to accommodate mass illegal immigration rather than stopping, blocking, or deterring it, as required by law,” Bensman observed. 

Under the direction of Biden, no one in the U.S. government appears to actually be repelling the hoards of illegals from crossing into the United States. This week, the administration announced 1,500 troops would deploy to the southern border to turn migrants away. However, internal DHS communications revealed that the troops are instead mainly focused on “data entry.” 

Meanwhile, localities across the country — in northern cities as well as southern border states — are preparing to receive thousands of illegals, irrespective of how U.S. citizens feel about it. In Chicago, for example, residents responded with a resounding “no” as their elected leaders informed them that 250 migrants would be moving into their neighborhood. Instead of acting on their constituents’ feedback, city officials lectured residents about their supposed humanitarian obligations. 

It isn’t only the Biden administration and Democrat state and local officials working against the best interests of the American people, it’s also the heavily U.S. tax-funded United Nations. Since 2021, the UN has been distributing millions of dollars in cash to aid foreign nationals on their illegal journey across the U.S. southern border.

The UN has no plans to stop, either. “The ‘Regional Refugee and Migrant Response Plan’ for 2023-2024, coordinated by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the UN’s International Organization for Migration (IOM), both of which receive substantial annual U.S. taxpayer contributions, calls for a quarter of the $1.72 billion it wants for 2023 — some $450 million — to go directly as cash or cash equivalents to ‘migrants and refugees’ on the move throughout Latin America,” reports Bensman.

With funding from the UN, permission from Biden, and hospitality courtesy of Democrat-run cities, expect the immigration crisis to continue for the foreseeable future.

Evita Duffy-Alfonso is a staff writer to The Federalist and the co-founder of the Chicago Thinker. She loves the Midwest, lumberjack sports, writing, and her family. Follow her on Twitter at @evitaduffy_1 or contact her at

The Federalist

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