May 14, 2023

The first thing we need to get straight is what separates conservatives, Americans, and patriots from Marxists, feminists, and trans activists.  For all of our history, the vast majority of Americans wholeheartedly rejected the idea of collective guilt or collective responsibility.  We’re now facing opposition that envisions humanity as an assortment of Borg-like collectives engaged in interminable struggles among other Borg-cubes.  In the Marxist view, every individual man or boy shares responsibility for and agreement with all the bad acts of any man, no matter how long dead.  Women are a competing Borg-cube making its own incessant demands for comfort, status, and power.  Supposedly, there’s no overlap between these two Borg cubes, no shared interests, even if intersectionality allows for overlap among cubes, the better to maximize conflict and confusion.

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Feminism has never been an all-female project — it was even named by a man, Charles Fourier.  Men attended the 1848 Seneca Falls Convention.  Men advised and funded the presidential campaign and publications of Victoria Woodhull and numerous other feminist projects and figures, such as Gloria Steinem and Ms. Magazine, with international communism creating and funding a feminist unit two years after Congress voted in the19th Amendment.

For Marxists (whose various guises have included feminism, socialism, trans activism, liberation theology, etc.), the 19th Amendment was a win for the all-women Borg-cube of feminism, in a zero-sum conflict against a similar monolith of all men.  Not only were both men and women on the sides of support and opposition, but there were organizations supporting female suffrage as a way to maximize votes for other causes.  Suffrage support came from those wanting to minimize the influence of black voters and from temperance activists who thought women more likely to vote out alcohol.  In 1919, when the all-male Congress added female suffrage to the Constitution, women’s support for female suffrage was extremely low (as low as 3% in some states, and no state even approaching 50% of women in favor).  Seven of 48 states voted against the 19th Amendment.  Not only did female suffrage have extremely low support among women, but anti-suffrage women organized on a national level out of concern that the vote would reduce women’s efforts in their communities and effectiveness in shaping social norms.

The 1972 defeat of the Equal Rights Amendment, with women above age 19 outnumbering men over 19 by 6.7 million, is another example of American women and men thinking for themselves and rejecting the preferences of our opposition, who prefer we conform to their hive-minded view of humanity.

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Back in the 1960s, there was a joke that feminists would never win the war between the sexes because of too much fraternizing with the enemy (dating, marriage, and family life).  Thanks to decades of “awareness” campaigns focusing on domestic violence (actually rare, especially within marriage), date rape (mostly post-date regret), and young marriage as potentially catastrophic to career and finances (only for women; it’s the opposite for men), the fraternizing we laughed about is dangerously declining.

At this crisis point, there are people who say the way to fight feminism and its twisted offspring, trans activism, is for the fighting to be done by women alone.  Anti-trans feminists like Julie Bindle resist any aid from men, barely acknowledging common cause with men who oppose the trans agenda.  Self-proclaimed ex-feminist Kellie Jaye Keen allies with anti-trans feminists and confidently proclaims that women can win this fight without men.  Some who despise feminism appear to be unquestioning of the false women-only/all-women’s goals image of feminism.  These despisers of feminism seem to enjoy anticipation of the spectacle of female patriots failing to defeat female feminists, as if the outcome would be meaningless to them or anyone they love.

Limiting leadership or participation to women only would rob our cause of numbers and, even more critically, the skills of strategy and leadership that are exceedingly rare among women.  This lack of natural talent shows in completely nonphysical conflict activities, such as the ranks of chess grand masters, where only 6.1% are women, in the top 500 esports players, which include no women.  The search term “all woman military” brings up items featuring various women in the military, nine female military heroes, and a Wikipedia page about all-female units, including units like Women’s Radio Corps, that were never sent into battle.  Search results showed only two real-world examples of all-woman units whose mission was military, and not an adjunct designed to free up male personnel for military duties, Norwegian and Dahomey.  Neither of these examples offers hope for the potential of female strategic genius.

Prior to Norway’s 2017 formation of an all-female special forces unit (with relaxed physical requirements, and specializing in urban reconnaissance and surveillance ), the only historically documented all-woman military unit was the Dahomey women warriors, who inspired the the flop movie The Woman King.  The king recruited Dahomey women and assigned slaves to soldiering duties.  The numbers of Dahomey men had been depleted fighting in wars and slave raids and capture for enslavement in other kingdoms.  While the Dahomey women were described as vicious fighters, there’s no evidence these women developed any useful strategy.  The kings ruled the Dahomey and made military decisions.

Joan of Arc was powerful as a symbol but made serious military errors.  Catherine of Aragon rallied troops for one successful battle, then returned to her queenly duties and pious obligations.  Rosa Parks’s arrest was part of the ongoing Birmingham Bus Boycott, orchestrated by men with political savvy and experience.

For several years now, a number of intelligent women have been deploying their skills in research and communication against trans activism, with success far lower than a few weeks of the Bud Light boycott.