Jesus' Coming Back

Christians Who Have Changed Their Faith Tradition Have Higher Levels of Scripture Engagement, Study

Christians who have changed their Christian faith tradition have higher levels of Scripture engagement than those who do not, according to a new study by the American Bible Study.

According to ABS’ “State of the Bible USA 2023” report, those who scored 100 or higher on a “Scripture Engagement Scale” were labeled as “Scripture Engaged.” Those who scored 70-99 were in the “Movable Middle” category, and those scoring lower than 70 were labeled “Bible Disengaged.”

Those who changed their faith tradition, such as from Catholic to mainline Protestant, were more likely to believe that “the Bible is totally accurate in all of the pictures it presents” (64 percent) than those who have stayed with the same faith tradition (47 percent), The Christian Post reports.

Curiosity about the Bible was also higher among those who converted (78 percent) than those who remained in the same denomination (66 percent).

The study also found that more Christians who changed denominations said their faith was “very important” (75 percent) than those who have stayed in the same denomination (68 percent).

“Faith is active. Our research suggests that when people seek God, they find him. Part of finding God is developing a life-giving engagement with Scripture,” ABS Chief Ministry Insights and Innovation Officer John Farquhar Plake said in a statement, according to The Christian Post.

“We found that on average, Americans who engage in a spiritual quest, who grapple with their faith, become spiritually healthier and more Bible-engaged. This can be seen in a detectable and consistent improvement among people who changed Christian faith traditions.”

According to the study, about 21 percent of Catholics and other Christians have completely abandoned their faith. That number is 19 percent for Protestants.

About 6 percent of those raised by Catholics are now Protestants, and 4 percent of respondents with a Protestant mother are now Catholic.

About 15 percent of those raised in an atheist/agnostic/none household are now considered “other Christians.”

Photo courtesy: ©StockSnap/Pixabay

Amanda Casanova is a writer living in Dallas, Texas. She has covered news for since 2014. She has also contributed to The Houston Chronicle, U.S. News and World Report and She blogs at The Migraine Runner.


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