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Israel’s UN envoy Gilad Erdan gives testimony at Netanyahu trial

Israeli ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan began his testimony in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s corruption trial on Monday.

Erdan took the stand to discuss Case 4000, in which Netanyahu is alleged to have sought regulatory changes that would benefit Bezeq owner Shaul Elovitch in return for positive coverage in his Walla new outlet.

Why is Gilad Erdan testifying at the Netanyahu trial?

As former communications minister, Erdan was asked about reforms advanced under his ministry that sought to create competition in the telecommunications market.

Erdan said that the former state company Bezeq had inherited lot of infrastructure, and the reform aimed to create more competition, thereby creating better prices and services.

“I believed [in the reform],” Erdan said.

Both Elovitch and Netanyahu are charged with bribery, but the prime minister was additionally charged with fraud and breach of trust.


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