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Entertainment Lawyer Kevin Morris Emerges as Major Figure in Hunter Biden Investigation

Kevin Morris, a Los Angeles entertainment lawyer, has emerged as a main character in the Hunter Biden investigation.

As the husband of Gabrielle Morgerman, “one of the most powerful women in the entertainment industry,” Morris is a legal heavyweight with tentacles in nearly every aspect of Hunter Biden’s professional life.

In 2022, news reports surfaced that Hunter Biden retained Morris to oversee his public relations and media strategies. In turn, Morris reportedly paid Hunter’s over two-million-dollar IRS tax delinquency and bankrolled his $30,000-a-month apartment in Malibu, California.

Morris runs a successful law firm. He launched the firm in 1996 and has represented A-list celebrities, such as Matthew McConaughey, Ellen DeGeneres, and Scarlett Johansson. He has also written and produced documentaries and helped negotiate a “South Park” deal for $900 million.

The entertainment lawyer is at the center of Hunter Biden’s new-found career of painting modern art, an occupation connected to the art market known for corruption. Morris helped Hunter forge a framework to sell art to anonymous buyers through a dealer with ties to the Chinese art market. Morris was also involved in Hunter’s 2021 controversial memoir. According to the New York Post, both Morris and Hunter Biden are represented by the same agents.

As a longtime Democrat donor, Hunter Biden and Morris met in 2019 after the Hollywood lawyer donated to then-candidate Joe Biden’s presidential campaign, the New York Times reported. Morris has since earned the reputation of being Hunter Biden’s “sugar brother” and “fixer.”

Morris heads Hunter Biden’s high-powered defense against potential tax fraud and gun violation charges and nine potential violations involving congressional probes. The president’s son is also battling the mother of his child in an Arkansas court to reduce his $20,000-per-month child support payments.

Morris is a major figure in the ever-thickening Hunter Biden investigations. Last week, Breitbart News exclusively reported that Morris controls Skaneateles LLC with a ten percent stake in BHR Partners, a Chinese state-backed investment fund founded just days after Hunter and President Joe Biden visited China in 2013.

BHR Partners’ website boasts 15 billion RMB in various portfolio companies, translating to over two billion USD. Its portfolio of companies includes Henniges Automotive, Didi Chuxing, Watagan Mining Company, and Tenke Furugume Mining.

According to Chinese public records from Baidu, Skaneateles LLC maintains a ten percent stake in BHR Partners. Hunter controlled Skaneateles LLC as the sole governor until its dissolution in September 2021, a Washington, DC, registration indicates. 

After President Joe Biden assumed the White House, Hunter Biden, under pressure due to a conflict of interest, allegedly divested from BHR Partners. A member of Hunter Biden’s legal counsel told the Times in the fall of 2021 that his client “no longer holds any interest, directly or indirectly in either BHR or Skaneateles.”

But documents obtained, confirmed, and authenticated by Breitbart News show “Kevin Morris is the ‘managing partner’ of Skaneateles, LLC’ and that ‘Skaneateles has a 10 percent stake in the [BHR] venture.’”

When Breitbart News requested comment from Morris about when and from whom he acquired control of Skaneateles and whether he paid USD or Yuan for the stake, Morris did not respond.

Morris was also asked if he conveyed any type of consideration for the stake acquired in order to assume control of Skaneateles, to which he did not respond.

Skaneateles LLC is named after a town in New York State between Rochester and Syracuse. Skaneateles means “long lake,” which is a part of the Finger Lakes in central New York State. Hunter Biden has a back tattoo of the finger lakes.

Through Skaneateles, Hunter reportedly profited from orchestrating the sale of an American-owned cobalt mine in the Democratic Republic of Congo for $2.65 billion, Breitbart News reported. It is unknown how much money Hunter profited from the deal.

Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.


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