May 16, 2023

Medical journals are ranked by prestige, like universities and restaurants, based on criteria that might be more in the eye of the beholder than based on objective criteria. In the medical world, The Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine are ranked number one and two, respectively, despite both having had to retract shoddy published COVID papers over “data integrity questions.”

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JAMA, or the Journal of the American Medical Association, is number five on the “best medicine journals” list. It would be reasonable to expect such journals to be publishing cutting-edge medical research papers rather than nonsense better suited for supermarket tabloids.

JAMA, a few weeks ago, published a research letter stating the obvious about males and females. The title of the letter sounded innocuous: “Prostate cancer in transgender women in the Veterans Affairs Health System, 2000-2022.”

YouTube screen grab

It’s a surprise that transgender veterans were much of a thing 23 years ago. Then again, there was Corporal Max Klinger, the cross-dressing medic in the movie and TV series M*A*S*H.

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The first sentence of the letter—“Transgender women retain their prostate even after gender-affirmation surgery and thus remain at risk of prostate cancer”—shows the study authors to be masters of the obvious. What did they expect? That men who declare themselves to be women, take estrogen, possibly receive breast implants, and undergo surgical castration are suddenly no longer biological males? As another military veteran character, Gomer Pyle, would say, “Shazam!”

The rationale for the study is that there are only 10 case reports of prostate cancer in transgender women. So what? These are biological males with prostates and are lumped into males with prostate cancer, the most common non-skin cancer in America, affecting 1 in 8 men.

Are there papers on the incidence of sex-specific cancers in each of the 70-plus genders? No, there are not. They focus, instead, on male and female only, not the medically irrelevant social construct genders.

What are the basics here? These are concepts taught in middle school biology and, one hopes, within the grasp of one of the top medical journals.

We are all born either male, with an X and Y chromosome, or female, with two X chromosomes. Everything beyond that is window dressing, ignoring the reality of what is, not what one wants it to be.

Note the word “reality,” which the Cambridge Dictionary defines as, “The state of things as they are, rather than as they are imagined to be.” This sums up the transgender movement. Human beings imagine themselves to be all sorts of things—smart, witty, attractive, successful, and often the opposite attributes—when reality may be far different.