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Durham Proves that Hillary and the FBI Tried to Rig the 2016 Election; GOP Lawmakers Say FBI was ‘weaponized’ Against Trump in Light of Durham Probe Findings; Matt Gaetz Demands FBI Agents Be Indicted After Damning Durham Report

Durham proves that Hillary and the FBI tried to rig the 2016 election:

Special counsel John Durham exposed Monday how the FBI and Justice Department plotted to rig the 2016 presidential election.

His 316-page report proves federal law enforcement was weaponized by shielding the Hillary Clinton campaign and persecuting the Donald Trump campaign.

Yet despite the damning evidence, most of the media are treating the Durham report as a “nothingburger.”

FBI racketeering repeatedly rescued Hillary Clinton.

The Clinton Foundation raked in hundreds of million dollars of squirrely foreign contributions while she was secretary of state and revving up her presidential campaign.

The Durham report found that “senior FBI and Department officials placed restrictions on how [the Clinton Foundation investigation was] handled such that essentially no investigative activities occurred for months leading up to the election.”

On top of that dereliction, “the FBI appears to have made no effort to investigate . . . the Clinton campaign’s purported acceptance of a [illegal] campaign contribution that was made by the FBI’s own long-term [confidential human source] on behalf of Insider-I and, ultimately, Foreign Government.”

Top FBI officials also saved Hillary Clinton by scorning the federal statute book and treating her pervasive, perpetual violations of federal laws on classified documents as a harmless, unintentional error. —>READ MORE HERE

GOP lawmakers say FBI was ‘weaponized’ against Trump in light of Durham probe findings:

Republican lawmakers demanded “consequences” and argued the FBI was “weaponized” against Donald Trump in the wake of findings by special counsel John Durham’s probe that the bureau lacked evidence to launch a “seriously flawed” investigation into the former president’s alleged collusion with Russia in 2016.

The 76-year-old former president himself called the evidence in Durham’s report, released on Monday, proof that “the American Public was scammed” when the FBI opened an investigation into his campaign over since debunked allegations that it was colluding with Russia.

“WOW! After extensive research, Special Counsel John Durham concludes the FBI never should have launched the Trump-Russia Probe! In other words, the American Public was scammed, just as it is being scammed right now by those who don’t want to see GREATNESS for AMERICA!“ Trump wrote in a Truth Social post on Monday.

House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-La.) said the report revealed “that Obama’s FBI had zero actual evidence of collusion when they kicked off the political witch hunt of Donald Trump.”

“We have said this all along. Now there must be consequences,” Scalise wrote on Twitter.

Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) echoed Scalise, vowing to hold those responsible for the FBI’s Trump-Russia investigation, code-named Crossfire Hurricane, “accountable.”

“The long-awaited Durham Report confirmed what the American people already know; that individuals at the highest levels of government attempted to overthrow democracy when they illegally weaponized the federal government against Donald J. Trump,” Stefanik said in a statement.

“This criminal abuse of power went all the way up to the Oval Office where President Obama and then Vice-President Joe Biden were in on it from the very beginning. This was an unlawful attempt by the politicized FBI and DOJ to meddle in our elections. —>READ MORE HERE

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+++++Matt Gaetz demands FBI agents be indicted after damning Durham report+++++

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