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Federal Judge Imposes Two-Week Block on the Biden Administration from Releasing Migrants Into the U.S. on ‘parole conditions’ Without a Court Date; Judge Blames Biden for Border Chaos, Rejects DHS’ ‘parole’ Policy

Federal judge imposes two-week block on the Biden administration from releasing migrants into the U.S. on ‘parole conditions’ without a court date – as Title 42 expires:

Federal judge imposes two-week block on the Biden administration from releasing migrants into the U.S. on ‘parole conditions’ without a court date – as Title 42 expires

U.S. District Judge T. Kent Wetherell II, an appointee of President Donald Trump, halted the Biden administration’s plan to begin releasing migrants into the community with notices to report to an immigration office in 60 days.

The quick releases were to be triggered when holding centers reach 125% capacity, or when authorities stop 7,000 migrants along the border in a day.

A U.S. official reported that daily encounters on Tuesday hit 10,000 – nearly twice the level from March and only slightly below the 11,000 figure that authorities have said is the upper limit of what they expect after Title 42 ends.

The daily average was about 5,200 in March, according to the latest publicly available data.

The state of Florida argued the administration’s plan was nearly identical to another Biden policy previously voided in federal court.

Earlier Thursday, the Justice Department said its new move was a response to an emergency and being prevented from carrying it out ‘could overwhelm the border and raise serious health and safety risks to noncitizens and immigration officials.’

Wetherell II blocked the releases for two weeks and scheduled a May 19 hearing on whether to extend his order.

He previously criticized a decision to stop building a border wall and end a policy to make asylum-seekers wait in Mexico for hearings in U.S. immigration court. —>READ MORE HERE

Judge blames Biden for border chaos, rejects DHS’ ‘parole’ policy:

A federal judge ruled late Thursday that Homeland Security cannot use its “parole” powers to catch and release illegal immigrants in the current border surge, upending the chief tool the administration was hoping to use to deal with the expected wave of people.

Judge T. Kent Wetherell II said the problems at the border are President Biden’s “own making” and suggested the administration has the power to change that without needing to resort to a free-for-all parole policy.

Judge Wetherell’s ruling was a win for Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody, who had gone to court earlier in the day to ask for a temporary restraining order on the parole policy.

“We took swift action to protect the American people from [President Biden’s] unlawful plan to release thousands of illegal immigrants when Title 42 lifts,” Ms. Moody said in a statement after the ruling.

Judge Wetherell questioned how much of an impact his ruling will have on the ground, saying that with or without parole, the government will be catching and releasing migrants with little assurance they can be induced to show up for later immigration court hearings or deportations.

He wrote that “in both instances, aliens are being released into the country on an expedited basis without being placed in removal proceedings and with little to no vetting and no monitoring.”

Parole is a Homeland Security power to admit people into the country even though they lack a valid visa or other permit that would let them in. —>READ MORE HERE

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