Jesus' Coming Back

GOP Rep. Bishop: If Dems Want to Make Wealthy Pay More, They Can Join Us in Repealing Green Tax Credits that Help Rich

On Friday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Katy Tur Reports,” Rep. Dan Bishop (R-NC) reacted to calls from some Democrats for increased taxes on the wealthy as part of a deal to raise the debt ceiling by pointing out that the House debt ceiling bill rescinds green tax credits that would go to wealthy people.

Host Katy Tur asked, “There’s going to have to be some compromise for the Democrats to sign on, and the Democrats aren’t so thrilled about the idea of work requirements. Then again, I’ve spoken to some Democrats who say if work requirements are on the table, then taxes should also be on the table. Would you say yes to something that includes a hike in taxes for the very wealthy among us?”

Bishop answered, “The speaker has said absolutely not. One thing that we have in our plan is that we would repeal some Green New Deal tax credits that go to the wealthiest, and so, that’s one way of doing that, and we’re on board for that. But the speaker has said very clearly — and he’s done a fantastic job of carrying forward the House’s priorities in this — and he said he doesn’t see any — we’re having historically high taxes as a percentage of GDP. That’s not the place to go. But, again, we think everybody ought to get in the game who’s got a responsibility and so far the people who are out are the Senate in particular, the president’s not doing much, and I think the state of the negotiations — as covered by your reportage — indicates they’re not getting anywhere. The Senate needs to act.”

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