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Biden Heads To Beach After Shattering All-Time Record With 83,000 Illegal Aliens Storming Border In 1 Week; Record-Setting 83,000 Migrants Illegally Crossed US Border This Week

Biden Heads To Beach After Shattering All-Time Record With 83,000 Illegal Aliens Storming Border In 1 Week:

President Joe Biden will reportedly spend his weekend at his beach home in Delaware — which is guarded by a taxpayer-funded wall — after forcing immigration officials to work on weekends to deal with the illegal immigration crisis that his policies have caused.

The crisis on southern border has erupted into a full-blown humanitarian and national security crisis as more illegal aliens stormed the southern border this week than any other week in U.S. history.

“Border Patrol reports a record setting 83,000 migrants crossed our border illegally this week alone. Just to put that number in perspective for you, that is equivalent to a full capacity Dallas Cowboys football stadium crossing our border in a single week,” Fox News correspondent Bill Melugin reported.

Fox’s Bill Melugin: “A record-setting 83,000 migrants crossed our border illegally this week — equivalent to a full capacity Dallas Cowboys football stadium”@BillFOXLA

— TV News Now (@TVNewsNow) May 13, 2023

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said during Friday’s press conference that the 80-year-old president will enjoy a leisurely weekend at his beach home.

“Tomorrow morning, the president will travel to Capital One Arena in Washington, D.C., to deliver the 2023 Howard University Commencement Address,” she said. “The president will then travel to Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, where he and the first lady will remain over the weekend.”

Biden laughed at the media on Friday as his staff shouted over reporters who were trying to ask him questions about the catastrophe he created on the southern border. —>READ MORE HERE

Record-Setting 83,000 Migrants Illegally Crossed US Border This Week:

Tens of thousands of migrants rushed across the US-Mexico border this week as the pandemic-related asylum restrictions were lifted at midnight Thursday.

“A record-setting 83,000 migrants crossed our border illegally this week — equivalent to a full capacity Dallas Cowboys football stadium,” said Fox News’ Bill Melugin.

Fox’s Bill Melugin: “A record-setting 83,000 migrants crossed our border illegally this week — equivalent to a full capacity Dallas Cowboys football stadium”@BillFOXLA

— TV News Now (@TVNewsNow) May 13, 2023

Melugin fact-checked White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, calling her statement about masses releases aren’t happening at the southern border “categorically false.” He said that is “not the reality of what’s happening on the ground here.”

.@BillFoxLA Melugin fact-checks KJP: “[W]e heard Karine Jean-Pierre…say during that WH press briefing that mass releases are not happening here at the southern border…[T]hat is categorically false. That is not the reality of what’s happening…We’ll show you the reality.”

— Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) May 12, 2023

The Biden administration has said there’s a plan that includes strengthening Title 8 penalties, an asylum rule that makes those entering the US illegally ineligible for asylum. But we question just how strong those rules are considering footage has emerged on Twitter of migrants being loaded on busses and allegedly headed inland. —>READ MORE HERE

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