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Hunter College Fires Professor Who Allegedly Assaulted Pro-Life Students, Held Machete to Reporter’s Neck

Hunter College has now fired professor Shellyne Rodriguez, 46, after she verbally assaulted pro-life students and allegedly violently trashed their display, culminating in her reportedly threatening a reporter with a machete when questioned about the incident.

As Breitbart News reported, video captured Rodriguez hurling “expletives toward pro-life students at Hunter College in Manhattan, telling them that it is ‘violent’ to be opposed to women killing their unborn children, before shoving the materials on their table to the ground.”

“This is bullshit. This is violent. You’re triggering my students,” she could reportedly be heard saying in the video.

“You’re not educating shit. This is fucking propaganda. What are you going to do, like, anti-trans next? Is that what you’re going to do next?” she asked the students

“I mean, no. We’re talking about abortion,” the student responded.

Rodriguez continued to press the subject and appeared to accuse the kids of being “violent.” When the students apologized, she refused to back down.

“You can’t even have a fucking baby. So you don’t even know what that is. You don’t even know what this is,” she said. “Get this shit the fuck out of here. Fuck this shit.”

Rodriguez then allegedly proceeded to vandalize the table and shove their materials off.

At the time, Hunter College said that the professor had only been severely reprimanded, but according to the Daily Mail, she has now been fired for reportedly threatening a New York Post reporter with a machete when questioned about the incident.

“When asked about the incident at her home in the Bronx, Rodriguez drew a machete and held it to the throat of the reporter at her door, threatening to ‘chop’ him up,” the Mail reported. “When New York Post reporter Reuven Fenton and his photographer colleague left, she followed them out the front door, machete still in hand.”

Vince Dimiceli, a spokesman for the school, said that the school fired Rodriguez shortly after learning of the incident.

“Hunter College strongly condemns the unacceptable actions of Shellyne Rodriguez and has taken immediate action,” he said. “Rodriguez has been relieved of her duties at Hunter College effective immediately, and will not be returning to teach at the school.”

News also emerged on Tuesday that the professor has been in a lawsuit against the New York City Police Department for how they handled her arrest during the George Floyd protests.

“Rodriguez claims in her lawsuit that police officers pulled her hair, shoved her face into a gate and repeatedly punched her in the stomach,” noted the Mail. “She was arrested in the Bronx and put in a police van with 14 others.”

Rodriguez further claims that the police bound her hands in zip ties for so many hours that she now has nerve pain. Charges were dropped against her in September 2020, but her lawsuit will resume in July of this year.

Paul Roland Bois joined Breitbart News in 2021. He also directed the award-winning feature film, EXEMPLUM, which can be viewed on TubiGoogle PlayYouTube Movies, or Vimeo on Demand. Follow him on Twitter @prolandfilms or Instagram @prolandfilms.


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