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DeSantis: Trump Siding with Disney — ‘Multinational Corporation that Wants to Sexualize Kids’

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) said Thursday on NewsMax TV’s “The Balance” that former President Donald Trump is siding with the Walt Disney Company, which he called “a multinational corporation that wants to sexualized kids.”

DeSantis said, “I think at the end of the day most of our voters obviously appreciate a lot of the things President Trump did. I do. I mean, he’s been attacking me a lot, but I still give him credit for the things that he did. Well, especially, you know, with what with the economy in the first three years. But they also understand that you need someone that can serve two terms. You need somebody that’s going to be able to win and win big.”

“So I think we have a lot of folks that will consider somebody like me who has proven to be very strong,” he continued. “You know, I’m standing up to people like Disney and with due respect to the former president, he’s taken Disney side in this now. I’m standing against Disney. I’m standing for the kids. I’m standing for the parents. I don’t think these kids should be sexualized. We took away their self governing status, and I’m not backing down one inch from that. I think are voters want to see somebody that can fight but also somebody that can win.”

He added, “I think that some of the things he’s been attacking me on, I’ve been a little surprised because he’s attacking me from the left. That’s really wasn’t that Donald Trump from 2015 and 2016. He was a hard charger, leaning in, very edgy on conservative issues, and it was part of the reason he did so well. When he’s taken Disney side against me, I just kind of wonder like, OK, I get he once they hit me, but don’t take the side of a multinational corporation that wants to sexualize kids.”

Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN


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