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Groundbreaking COVID Origins Report: ‘Circumstantial Evidence Points To Pandemic Came From Lab Accident In Wuhan’; AFT’s Randi Weingarten hit with subpoena threat by House COVID subcommittee, and other C-Virus related stories

Groundbreaking COVID Origins Report: ‘Circumstantial Evidence Points To Pandemic Came From Lab Accident In Wuhan’:

A new report on the origins of the Covid-19 pandemic has said that circumstantial evidence points that that the coronavirus outbreak came from a lab accident The Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) in China.

Marco Rubio, US Senator from Florida, released a report stating that ‘after years of censorship, there is growing evidence that some type of lab accident is responsible for the Covid-19 pandemic’.

Florida Senator Rubio released the findings of a 17-month probe into the origins of COVID.

The report titled, ‘A Complex and Grave Situation’ recinstructs and tracing the authorities’ response to the emergence of SARS-CoV-2.

Beijing’s efforts to render imperceptible the exact timing and original cause of the initial outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 are what necessitated this study, the report released by Rubio’s office said.

The report points to a mountain of circumstantial evidence that the Covid-19 pandemic came from a lab accident in Wuhan, China.

Information detailed in this report, including that derived from official Chinese sources, further indicates that a serious biocontainment failure or accident, likely involving a viral pathogen, occurred at the state-run Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) during the second half of 2019 – approximately during the same period of time in which the available epidemiological evidence indicates that SARS-CoV-2 was introduced to the human population in Wuhan, the release read. —>READ MORE HERE

AFT’s Randi Weingarten hit with subpoena threat by House COVID subcommittee:

The House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic is threatening to subpoena American Federation of Teachers president Randi Weingarten for failing to disclose communications between the teachers’ union and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on reopening schools in early 2021.

In a letter to AFT attorney Michael Bromwich, subcommittee Chairman Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio) said the union “continues to frustrate the Select Subcommittee’s investigation” by fighting its request for documents and other information.

Weingarten revealed in testimony to Congress last month that her group spoke with President Biden’s transition team about the CDC guidance that kept schools from fully reopening during the first half of 2021.

Wenstrup, 64, said lawmakers discovered the teachers’ union president “had a direct line to CDC Director Rochelle Walensky,” and his subcommittee asked for more documents in light of Weingarten’s testimony.

But since that time, AFT has dodged further document requests of Weingarten, as well as demands that other officials be made available for additional interviews — only offering the union’s director of nurses and health professionals for a deposition, according to Wenstrup. —>READ MORE HERE

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