Jesus' Coming Back

CNN’s Phillip: ‘Great Irony’ that People Feel They Have ‘Unstable’ Economic Situation when ‘Economy Is Pretty Good’

On Thursday’s broadcast of “CNN Primetime,” host Abby Phillip stated that there is a “great irony” that “the economy is pretty good, but people feel like their economic situation is unstable.”

While discussing President Joe Biden’s poll numbers, Washington Post columnist, CNN Commentator, and “PBS NewsHour” Special Correspondent Catherine Rampell said, “Part of the reason why people seem to be so unhappy right now with the president of the United States has to do with economic conditions, which, by many measures, are actually quite good.”

Phillip then stated, “Right, I was going to say. This is the great irony, every day, it’s like the economy is pretty good, but people feel like their economic situation is unstable.”

Rampell responded, “Right, and they have good reason to feel that. Pricing pressures continue to grow. And there are a number of reasons why people feel insecure. But, if people feel this insecure, people are this negative, or if people lack this much confidence in the president now, imagine how much worse things would get if we have a recession. And I don’t know that we will. But there are some worrying signs in the economy, certainly, if we default on our debt, I think we would have even bigger problems, but that’s what I’m concerned about.”

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