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Palestinians, settlers clash near Ramallah – Palestinian report

Violent clashes erupted between Israelis and Palestinians at the Al Mughayyer village near Ramallah on Friday afternoon, according to Palestinian reports.

Palestinians at the scene stated that about 20 settlers came and started throwing stones at Palestinians who were cultivating their land and had also set vehicles on fire, N12 reported.

About five people were injured in the incident, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry.

The Palestinian reports further stated that one Palestinian security officer was severely injured in the fight after being shot in the head by a settler.

“Israel must take steps to ensure accountability” – EU

The EU Delegation to the Palestinians issued a statement on the incident, stating that they are “appalled by the settlers’ attacks against Palestinians in the Burqa and Al Mughayyer villages, resulting in injuries and destruction of Palestinian homes.”

 An Israeli policeman checks the damage in a Palestinian house which Palestinians say was attacked by Israeli settlers near Ramallah, in the West Bank, March 26, 2023 (credit: REUTERS/MOHAMAD TOROKMAN) An Israeli policeman checks the damage in a Palestinian house which Palestinians say was attacked by Israeli settlers near Ramallah, in the West Bank, March 26, 2023 (credit: REUTERS/MOHAMAD TOROKMAN)

They also claim that violent settler attacks against Palestinians are increasing and becoming more violent, citing UN data.

“The EU condemns settler violence and calls on Israel to take decisive steps to ensure accountability and protect the Palestinian civilian population in line with its obligations under international law,” the organization concluded.


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