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Most migrants still caught and released into U.S. after Title 42; 211,401 illegal immigrants crossed border in April, 146 million more want to join them

Most migrants still caught and released into U.S. after Title 42:

Most illegal immigrants at the border are still being caught and released after the end of Title 42, according to numbers obtained by The Washington Times that challenge Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas’ promises of “consequences.”

The overall number of people jumping the border is down to just a quarter of what it was at the beginning of last week, when 10,000 people a day were surging across the boundary with Mexico.

Arrivals at the border are still granted quick release in most cases, the CBP figures show.

In the five days after Title 42 ended on May 11, nearly 7 out of 10 unauthorized migrants processed by Customs and Border Protection were released, either on parole or with an immigration court summons known as a notice to appear.

That marked a slight increase from the days just before May 11.

CBP was sending more people to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, where they faced the possibility of formal deportation, but those numbers were tiny. CBP processed just 11% of migrants from May 11 through Tuesday.

“The vast majority of aliens are still being released into the United States, and the Biden administration is struggling to handle the flow. Even though it’s smaller, they’re still struggling to handle it,” said Andrew “Art” Arthur, a former immigration judge and now a legal fellow at the Center for Immigration Studies. —>READ MORE HERE

211,401 illegal immigrants crossed border in April, 146 million more want to join them:

U.S. Customs and Border Protection released the April Southwest Land Border Encounters numbers Wednesday, and the results show continued policy failure by the Biden administration.

After falling from a record high of 251,644 in December to 156,223 in January, arrests for illegally crossing the southern border have steadily risen to 191,856 in March and 211,401 in April. That 211,401 number is the second-highest number for the month of April ever, only beaten by last year’s 235,785.

In total, 5.3 million migrants have been arrested for illegally crossing the southern border since Joe Biden became president, and most of them have been released to go wherever they want in the country.

Democrats will tell you we have to let these migrants into the country because they have a right to claim asylum. But the vast majority of migrants illegally entering the country are economic immigrants looking for higher pay, not persecuted minorities who need protection. That is why the vast majority of immigrants who claim asylum (about 75%) lose their cases.

But just because a migrant loses their asylum case does not mean they leave the country or are deported. Biden makes no effort whatsoever to find immigrants with failed asylum cases and deport them. Most just stay in the country forever. —>READ MORE HERE

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