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FBI gets an ‘F’ in trust due to recent scandals, but shows absolutely no remorse; If You Want To ‘Drain The Swamp,’ Then Drain The FBI

FBI gets an ‘F’ in trust due to recent scandals, but shows absolutely no remorse:

It’s been a horrendous week for the FBI.

With its credibility already at rock bottom, each day brought a fresh scandal, and yet from the bureau’s unctuous public statements, there is no remorse.

Nothing to see here. Please move along. Which of course the complicit media is more than happy to do.

Here are the top scandals of the week:

1) The Durham report. Here is the official record, for the history books, that the FBI’s “Russia collusion” investigation was cooked up by Hillary Clinton to denigrate Donald Trump by tying him to Russia “as a means of distracting the public from her use of a private email server” — and that, despite knowing it was bogus, the FBI went ahead and launched the ill-fated Crossfire Hurricane investigation, while dropping four probes into the Clinton Foundation.

In fact, there was more evidence that the Clinton campaign had colluded with Russia to produce the farcical “Steele dossier,” on which Crossfire Hurricane relied, than ever there was of Trump collusion.

‘Surprise and dismay’

Special counsel John Durham fingers the men on the seventh floor of Washington, DC’s J. Edgar Hoover Building, Director James Comey and Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, who perverted the power of the FBI in order to interfere with the 2016 election on behalf of Clinton.

FBI leaders were “fired up,” as one agent described it, about whatever tenuous piece of information derogatory to Trump floated across their desks during the election campaign, any rumor, no matter how implausible.

They encouraged their underlings to do whatever it took to stop Trump winning, including obtaining secret surveillance warrants on his campaign members under false pretenses.

They duped them by hiding crucial exculpatory information, including intelligence of what Durham calls “the Clinton plan” to frame Trump as a Kremlin asset.

In one sad section of his report, Durham describes the “surprise and dismay” of FBI employees who had been “actively involved in the Crossfire Hurricane investigation” after he showed them declassified portions of that intelligence. —>READ MORE HERE

If You Want To ‘Drain The Swamp,’ Then Drain The FBI:

Americans don’t have rule of law when their institutions are corrupted against them.

Republicans aren’t “draining the swamp” unless they drain the FBI.

Special Counsel John Durham published a long-anticipated report last week chronicling severe abuses of power by deep-state FBI officials who ran a years-long campaign to frame former President Donald Trump as a Russian asset.

The 306-page report outlined how the FBI relied on baseless fabrications commissioned by the Hillary Clinton campaign to construct the entire narrative for its investigation known as “Crossfire Hurricane,” in which the Obama-era Justice Department conducted illegal surveillance on American citizens in an attempt to undermine the 2016 election. According to Durham, “neither U.S. law enforcement nor the Intelligence Community appears to have possessed any actual evidence of collusion in their holdings at the commencement of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation.”

In other words, the incessant accusations of Trump-Russia collusion that Americans were bombarded with for all four years of the Trump administration were entirely made up.

It’s far from the first time the politicized FBI has engaged in blatant misconduct at the behest of Democrat operatives. Just last summer, more than two dozen plainclothes agents raided Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence at Attorney General Merrick Garland’s personal direction, five years after Trump thwarted Garland’s Supreme Court nomination. In addition to the bureau’s targeting of the Republican presidential frontrunner, FBI officials deployed counterterrorism resources against concerned parents who showed up at school board meetings, and began investigating Catholic parishes for “white supremacy.”

The FBI has now become an emblem of the kind of swamp-style politics that play out in the nation’s capital, insulated from constituents around the country.

Rather than reprimand the Justice Department for its weaponization of law enforcement resources against political opponents, Senate Republican Minority Leader Mitch McConnell wants to beef up the department’s funding. The agency remains on track to build a new multibillion-dollar FBI complex to dedicate even more resources to harassing American citizens. —>READ MORE HERE

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