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Biden border policy will lead to overcrowded jails, migrants released to streets; Biden’s open border is bankrolling organized crime, cartels

Biden border policy will lead to overcrowded jails, migrants released to streets: sources:

The immigration law now being used on illegal border-crossers could lead to overcrowding at jails, which would trigger authorities to release them onto US streets instead of deporting them, sources tell The Post.

While the law, Title 8, does carry legal consequences for migrants who illegally jump over the border, it also creates a headache for Border Patrol and other law-enforcement responsible for incarcerating them.

“The more we prosecute, the more that they’re going to go to jail, and we’ll get to a point where there is no more jail space,” former Border Patrol agent Thaddeus Cleveland, who is now the sheriff in Sanderson, Texas, told The Post.

Under Title 8 — which became the law applied to all illegal immigrants after the pandemic-era Title 42 ended May 11 — a migrant who illegally crosses the southern border is deported to their home country or returned to Mexico on their first attempt, according to the feds.

That person is also barred from entry to the States under any circumstances for five years.

If they try to get back in a second time, they can be held and criminally prosecuted.

GOP Texas Congressman Tony Gonzales said the law is a disaster waiting to happen.

“Bottom line is these jails are already over capacity,” he said of some Texas lock-ups. “You go to Hudspeth [County] Jail — it’s over capacity, you go to Val Verde County Jail, it’s over capacity. You go to Medina County — these are not even counties that are on the border…they’re 100-plus miles north.” —>READ MORE HERE

Biden’s open border is bankrolling organized crime, cartels:

Smuggling humans earned cartels $500 million in 2018, but now it earns them an annual $13 billion or more

“We’ve been hungry, cold, hot, but here we are chasing the American dream, for a better life for our family,” a migrant seeking to illegally enter the U.S. recently told CNN.

It’s an understandable instinct. All parents want a better life for their children. Over three billion people live on less than $6.85 a day. There can be no doubt that economic ruin across the developing world is spurring mass migration. And America, no matter what people say, remains a beacon of hope, freedom and opportunity for those in desperation.

We are the most generous country on Earth, admitting more than one million immigrants each year. But even America cannot open its doors to everyone.

Yet for more than two years, “open doors” is exactly what the Biden administration has messaged to the outside world. When Joe Biden ran for president in 2020, he declared that he would welcome all people fleeing conflict and oppression. Illegal immigration at the southern border rose.

Once in the White House, President Biden said he would lift Title 42. Illegal immigration rose higher. Now, Title 42 has been lifted, and progressive advocacy groups are already suing to roll back the token restrictions implemented in its place. The result – illegal immigration will rise higher still.

The greatest beneficiaries of this mass movement are not poor migrants, but predatory criminal organizations. The reason for this is simple. Take, for example, the story of a woman from Guatemala who left her young daughter behind in 2014. The New York Times reported that “with a new president in the White House,” the woman decided it was time to bring her daughter to the U.S. and “agreed to pay $3,400 to a smuggler.” Multiply that price by hundreds of thousands, and you get an awful lot of money. —>READ MORE HERE

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