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Poll: 63% Believe Trump-Russia Smear Was ‘Hit Job,’ Majority Want Involved FBI Officials Prosecuted; 59% of Americans Say FBI Officials Involved in Trump Collusion Probe Should Face Criminal Charges

Poll: 63% Believe Trump-Russia Smear Was ‘Hit Job,’ Majority Want Involved FBI Officials Prosecuted:

Two-thirds of voters believe former President Donald Trump was the target of a political “hit job” over allegations that his campaign colluded with Russia, and a majority want the FBI officials involved “criminally prosecuted,” according to a Rasmussen poll released after Special Counsel John Durham released his report on the origins of Russiagate.

Last week, Durham released his long-awaited report, which found the FBI should never have launched an investigation into Trump’s campaign over its alleged ties with Russia.

“Based on the review of Crossfire Hurricane and related intelligence activities, we conclude that the Department and the FBI failed to uphold their important mission of strict fidelity to the law in connection with certain events and activities described in this report,” the 300-page report concluded.

Duram’s report also revealed that top leaders at the FBI shut down four criminal investigations into Hillary and Bill Clinton, among other findings. —>READ MORE HERE

59% of Americans say FBI officials involved in Trump collusion probe should face criminal charges

A majority of likely voters say FBI officials who promoted claims linking former President Donald Trump to Russia should be criminally prosecuted, according to a new Rasmussen poll.

The poll, released Friday, found that 59% of respondents say those inside the FBI who pushed the narrative that Mr. Trump’s 2016 campaign and Russia colluded to sway that year’s presidential election should face criminal charges.

The poll surveyed 1,013 likely voters between May 21 and May 23, roughly a week after special counsel John Durham released a report outlining the FBI’s failures while pursuing the allegations against Mr. Trump. Mr. Durham did not recommend any new charges beyond his three earlier prosecutions.

High-profile FBI figures greenlighted the Trump investigation based on unverified intelligence and ignored evidence that countered the collusion narrative, according to Mr. Durham’s 300-page report.

The same poll also found that 63% of respondents said Mr. Trump was the target of a Hillary Clinton campaign-orchestrated “hit” during the 2016 race. Just 30% of respondents disagreed with that statement.

Some Republicans and Trump allies have complained that Mr. Durham’s sprawling, four-year investigation did not result in criminal charges against a slew of Obama administration officials and leaders, including former FBI Director James B. Comey and former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe. —>READ MORE HERE

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