Jesus' Coming Back

Who were the IDF soldiers killed at the Egyptian border?

The first two identified soldiers who were killed at the Egyptian border on Saturday were identified as Sgt. Lia Ben Nun and St.-Sgt. Ohad Dahan, according to the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit.

The IDF said Ben Nun was 19 years old and from Rishon Lezion. She was promoted to the rank of sergeant after her death.


Last week, Ben Nun posted a video on her Tiktok account detailing her journey as a female combat soldier. Through a series of photos, she detailed the highs and lows of her long training program and the friends she had made along the way.

Ben Nun’s former teacher told Walla that Ben Nun had always known that she was going to enlist in the IDF in a combat position.

“She showed up on Remembrance Day at the school with uniform and her gun and was so happy and showing off that she’s doing well,” said the teacher, Noga Adi. “She so badly wanted to enlist to combat and she got it, and she was happy. She should be remembered as happy.

 Sgt. Lia Ben-Nun who was killed on the Egyptian border. (credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT) Sgt. Lia Ben-Nun who was killed on the Egyptian border. (credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON’S UNIT)

Adi added that Ben Nun was “a wonderful, sweet, funny, beautiful, eternally optimistic girl who was always with friends. She was the glue the held all the friends together.”

St.-Sgt. Ohad Dahan

Dahan was 20 and from Ofakim. He was posthumously promoted to staff-sergeant from sergeant.

Dahan was one of the three soldiers who engaged the terrorist in a firefight, ultimately killing him.

“We’re not surprised that he jumped first and stormed [the terrorist,” Dahan’s uncle Shaul Dahan told Kan. “He defended everyone with his own body like he was taught. He is our hero. He was obsessed with the army – an outstanding soldier, an outstanding student and an outstanding son to his parents. He always said ‘the brigade commander is my god, I would do everything for him’ and he was proud of his combativeness.”

“He was educated to love the country and care for the state,” said Dahan’s cousin Noam. “He was an outstanding student and always helped everyone. He will stay young forever. We are waiting for the investigation to understand what happened.

Shortly after the IDF publicized Dahan’s name, the Ofakim municipality put out a statement of condolences.

“Ofakim is mourning and pained by the death of IDF soldier St.-Sgt. Ohad Dahan, a resident of the city, during a firefight on the Egyptian border,” said the statement. “Dear Ohad worked courageously to locate the Egyptian terrorist who killed two soldiers and kill him.”

The statement added that representatives of the municipality had been sent to support the family.


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