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‘We Want You to Be a Hero’: Sen. Hawley Warns How Daniel Penny’s Fate Could Affect Young Men; Unleashing American Masculinity: Hawley’s call to empower men triggers man-hating leftists

‘We Want You to Be a Hero’: Sen. Hawley Warns How Daniel Penny’s Fate Could Affect Young Men:

The rush by the Left to vilify former Marine Daniel Penny before Americans have all the facts of his case could have a negative effect on American males’ willingness to be heroes, Sen. Josh Hawley said Thursday.

The Missouri Republican discussed Penny’s case during an interview with The Daily Signal about his new book, “Manhood: The Masculine Virtues America Needs,” following news that Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg had charged Penny with second-degree manslaughter in the death in the New York subway of Jordan Neely.

The senator pointed out that the American people still don’t have all the facts and details necessary to understand the incident fully.

“This is a good example of the extremely confusing signals that the culture and the media and the Left send to young men, which is that you don’t hear much outrage on the Left … about the fact that New York subways and streets are extremely unsafe, and that if you are an everyday citizen walking or traveling, you may well be subject to violence,” Hawley said. “That’s just wiped away. We’re supposed to just live with that.”

But then, you’ve got a guy who actually puts himself in danger to try to help other people. You’ve got a subway passenger now saying, ‘He saved my life. He put himself in danger.’ That is automatically condemned before we even know all the facts. It’s like, ‘Oh, that must be wrong’ or ‘That must be crazy.’

Young men looking at this situation, Hawley said, will likely think, “Well, now, hold on. I thought that a man was supposed to be willing to put himself on the line. Isn’t that what we celebrate in the Greatest Generation, for example, a whole generation of young men who went out there and sacrificed for their country? But you’re telling me now, ‘If I do that, I’m going to be vilified, sued, charged, what have you.’ —>READ MORE HERE

Unleashing American Masculinity:

Sen. Hawley’s call to empower men triggers man-hating leftists.

On October 31, 2021, Republican Senator Josh Hawley delivered a keynote address at the National Conservatism Conference in Orlando, Florida, in which he put forth an impassioned defense of traditional masculinity.

“American men are and can be an unrivaled force for good in the world—if we can strengthen them, if we can empower them, if we can unleash them to be who they are made to be,” Hawley said. “Then they shall, in the words of Scripture, ‘build up the ancient ruins; they shall raise up the former desolations; they shall repair the ruined cities, [and] the devastations of many generations.’”

Lamenting that too many men have withdrawn into the “enclave of idleness, and pornography, and video games,” Hawley declared that “the crisis of American men is a crisis for the American republic.” Reclaiming the traditional roles and responsibilities of manhood in our gender-confused times, in our emasculated culture, he argued, would go a long way toward reclaiming American greatness.

I happen to agree, having written many times over the years about how critical a re-envisioning of chivalric masculinity is to the survival and flourishing of Western civilization. But predictably, Hawley’s speech triggered a full-scale offensive of mockery, eye-rolling, and anger from leftist politicians, pundits, and celebrities who consider themselves pundits, because there are few things the Left hates more than traditional masculinity.

Rolling Stone magazine, for example, wrote, “Josh Hawley’s bizarre obsession with masculinity is the most pathetic front yet in the GOP’s culture war.” Fact check: the GOP is not the party waging a culture war; it is only belatedly responding to a culture war that the Left has been waging for a half-century. By the way, Rolling Stone is the magazine, you may remember, that put a come-hither glamour shot of Boston Marathon terrorist Dzhokhar Tsarnaev on its cover. That’s the sort of masculinity role model Rolling Stone admires.

The View co-hostess Ana Navarro, whose so-called commentary never rises above the level of sneering, scorned Hawley’s speech: “That masculinity needs defending and #joshhawley is its self-appointed defender, is laugh-out-loud funny.” Fact check: not once in his speech did Hawley appoint himself the defender of masculinity or hold himself up as its standard bearer. —>READ MORE HERE

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