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Even Joe Scarborough Knows Democrats, Not Americans, Want Late-Term Abortion

Joe Scarborough on "Morning Joe"

Image CreditGrabien sreengrab

Even MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough admits the Democratic Party’s position on abortion is nowhere near that of average Americans.

“The plurality of Americans support [abortion bans after] 15 weeks, 16 weeks, right? … Democrats don’t want to be nailed down to [that],” Scarborough said on “Morning Joe.”

“Americans don’t support 35 weeks. They don’t support 38 weeks,” he continued. “I know 15 weeks is not where any Democratic candidate will ever go, but that is where most Americans are.”

The Democrat Party no longer champions the Clinton standard of “safe, legal, and rare,” with many candidates and elected officials now openly supporting abortion as a moral good, rather than a harmful evil, up until — and sometimes even after — birth. Democrat candidates no longer want to be “nailed down” into supporting “a 15-week ban,” “a 20-week ban,” or even a “24-week ban,” according to Scarborough.

Scarborough’s comments followed a discussion about the abortion views of some Republicans who have yet to clarify their positions as the primary field widens. However, while many of the commentators on “Morning Joe” appeared to relish the possibility of abortion being one of the defining topics of the first primary debate, Scarborough appeared less confident that this would be a winning issue for Democrats.

Democrats have strayed farther from mainstream voters’ opinions about abortion in recent years, becoming increasingly radical while most Americans advocate for abortion restrictions at least as strict as the 15-week ban at issue in the Dobbs v. Jackson case, in which the Supreme Court struck down its previous invention of abortion as a constitutional right. According to a Harvard/Harris poll last year, 72 percent of voters threw their support behind laws restricting abortion after 15 weeks of gestation, if not sooner.

[READ: Biden’s Position On Abortion Is So Extreme, The White House Won’t Even Say It Out Loud]

In the past, Democrat governors like Virginia’s Ralph Northam have openly called for infanticide of babies born alive during botched abortions, although most voters condemn this radical position.

In 2022, House Democrats invited a witness who described her abortion as “an act of self-love” and “the best decision [she] ever made.”

Scarborough’s comments suggest he’s aware that, as the views of many Democrats become increasingly radical, it will be challenging to deny the growing chasm that separates the party’s platform from the perspectives of average Americans.

Cole Crystal is an intern at The Federalist with interests in foreign affairs, religion, and society.

The Federalist

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