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The COVID-19 Pandemic Caused Massive Mental Illness on the Left: They locked down the hardest and the effects were devastating; Fox News Poll: Voters believe COVID-19 pandemic permanently changed US, and other C-Virus related stories

The COVID-19 Pandemic Caused Massive Mental Illness on the Left

We’ve all noticed it; there has been a distinct rise in online vitriol and mental illness from the left over the last few years, not just online but also making headlines for outrageous behavior in public and in their daily lives. Studies have shown that the COVID-19 lockdowns caused a sharp increase in mental health problems, and since the left locked down the hardest, it makes sense it affected them the worst.

Even for those on the left who didn’t live in heavily locked down areas, their paranoia made them take their own steps to isolate themselves from society. We all know the families who disappeared; they stopped going to church, the gym, and other social activities, refused to let their children participate in sports or hang out with other children due to the brainwashing, which caused a disturbingly sad increase in mental illness among children.

A 2022 study from the National Institutes for Health (NIH) examined the partisan difference in mental health problems caused by the pandemic, and found “a clear partisan distress gap, with Democrats consistently reporting worse mental health than Republicans.” The study observed “Democrats experiencing more disruption of routine and social isolation to reduce the risk of physical illness and Republicans risking physical health to maintain normalcy and sustain social connections.”

The World Health Organization reported that the pandemic triggered a 25% increase in depression and anxiety worldwide. The NIH published a study which found that suicide rates increased by as much as 145%.

Due to excessive paranoia about COVID-19, the left was more likely to find ways to work in social isolation — if they worked at all; many took advantage of the left’s generous expansion of unemployment benefits during the pandemic. A significant negative about working from home is higher stress, since “being ‘always on’ and accessible by technology while working remotely leads to the blurring of work and non-work boundaries,” the World Economic Forum (WEF) reported. The WEF cited a study from the United Nations which found that 41% of remote workers reported high stress levels, compared to just 25% of office workers. —>READ MORE HERE

Fox News Poll: Voters believe COVID-19 pandemic permanently changed US:

While a majority of voters believes the coronavirus pandemic is in check, over half say it has changed us forever.

The latest Fox News survey finds 57% think the virus has permanently changed how we live in the United States. That’s up from 50% in 2022 and 2021.

Another 33% feel things have changed temporarily, while 9% think things haven’t really changed at all.

Currently, 66% say coronavirus is completely or mostly under control. That’s better by 20 points compared to a year ago (46%) and a 46-point improvement since May 2020, when 20% said it was controlled.

Some 27% feel the virus is only somewhat contained and 7% say not at all.

Republicans, Hispanic voters, and men are among those most likely to say the virus is completely under control, while those most likely to feel it is only somewhat or not at all controlled include independents, Black voters, those without a college degree, and women.

Majorities of Democrats (60%), Republicans (57%), and independents (53%) agree the country has changed permanently.

Meanwhile, about twice as many Democrats (41%) as Republicans (20%) remain concerned about the pandemic. —>READ MORE HERE

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USA TODAY: Coronavirus Updates

WSJ: Coronavirus Live Updates

YAHOO NEWS: Coronavirus Live Updates

NEW YORK POST: Coronavirus The Latest

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