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New York Dems Want to Free ‘Son of Sam,’ All Serial Killers: New bill would end life sentences, offer parole to the worst monsters; Clean Slate, Even for Murderers, is Albany’s Latest ‘reform’ idiocy

New York Dems Want to Free ‘Son of Sam,’ All Serial Killers:

New bill would end life sentences, offer parole to the worst monsters.

Last year, California’s Gov. Newsom announced that he was dismantling Death Row, providing relief to monsters like the “Grim Sleeper” serial killer who killed nine women, the “Yosemite Killer,” and Charles Ng, who raped, tortured, and killed unknown numbers of women.

New York Democrats have decided to go one better by offering parole to serial killers.

The campaign, promoted by celebrities like Common and John Legend, could set the worst monsters in prison loose on a city and state already drowning in crime.

Senate Bill S2423, known to its backers as Elder Parole, eliminates life sentences by offering parole to all prisoners regardless of how horrific their crimes may have been.

Any murderer, rapist, or pedophile over the age of 55, who spent at least 15 years in prison, will be automatically eligible for parole under a pro-crime bill that has 33 state senate co-sponsors.

Potential parolees could include the “Son of Sam” serial killer, mass shooter Colin “Black Rage” Ferguson, and Richard “Angel of Death” Angelo, a nurse who poisoned dozens of patients. Even if these monsters aren’t paroled immediately, numberless other killers, rapists and pedophiles will be set loose.

After New York Democrats abolished bail and set out to free as many criminals as possible, homicide rates and all crime rates shot up. Many of the Democrat legislators proposing to end life sentences and free serial killers had also backed previous pro-crime measures like the “Less is More Act” which put more convicts back on the street and kept them there.

Charles Rowe (pictured above) raped and stabbed to death a 10-year-old girl; after being paroled he went on a crime spree, but he was kept on the street thanks to Gov. Hochul and the Democrat “Less is More Act,” until he sexually assaulted a 69-year-old woman.

“Let’s not turn this into a murder,” Rowe told his victim.

Not satisfied with the massive increase in crime since the wave of pro-crime laws were unrolled, New York Democrats are on a mission to free every single criminal in prison. Literally. —>READ MORE HERE

Clean Slate, even for murderers, is Albany’s latest ‘reform’ idiocy:

Democrats in Albany just can’t stop rewarding criminals — at the public’s expense.

Their latest: a bill, called the Clean Slate Act, that would automatically seal criminal records, even for murders and out-of-state and federal criminal offenses after a certain amount of time.

Sex crimes (thankfully) would not be sealable, yet plenty of other violent and serious criminal offenses would be — in as little as three years after sentencing for misdemeanors and after seven for felonies.

The law would also bar potential employers and landlords from asking questions about prior convictions.

It’s the latest in a continuing stream of poorly thought-out criminal-justice-reform overreaches by Albany Dems.

Yes, New Yorkers believe in “second chances.”

Gov. Kathy Hochul and other backers say the bill will help ex-offenders qualify for jobs and apartments.

She even suggests it’ll address labor shortages around the state.

But it uses a nuclear bomb to kill a mosquito. —>READ MORE HERE

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