Jesus' Coming Back

Gay Group Slams Democrat Governor as ‘Pervert’ for Opening Women’s Spaces to Men

The Gays Against Groomers organization took to social media on Thursday to declare Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs (D) a “pervert” for vetoing a bill that would have prevented men from sharing bathrooms and locker rooms with young girls.

“Gays Against Groomers spoke in support of SB 1040 that was just vetoed by Katie Hobbs,” the organization wrote in its tweet.

“Katie Hobbs would rather have boys and girls side by side in varying states of undress than confront the mental health issues being broadly promoted as a matter of ‘inclusion.’ PERVERT Hobbs,” the group added.

The organization was reacting to a tweet from the Kari Lake War Room, which read “[Katie Hobbs] has vetoed SB 1040. This bill would have prevented biological men from sharing bathrooms, showers & locker rooms with young girls.”

“Katie Hobbs’ Arizona is not a safe place for families. It’s a playground for perverts & radicals,” the Kari Lake War Room added in its tweet.

Hobbs’ veto is part of the elite-backed progressive campaign to forcibly diversify Americans’ view of male-and-female sex. This hard-nosed campaign is getting top-level support from the federal government and it is reaching into women’s private spaces, kids’ classrooms, sports fields, retail stores, and even medicine.

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Matt Perdie / Breitbart News

As celebrities, television shows, media outlets, and left-wing activists continue to hype transgenderism and guide children to doubt their biological sex, more young people are identifying as non-binary.

Research published last year by the Trevor Project found that more than one in four — 26 percent — of LGBTQ youth identify as nonbinary. An additional 20 percent said they are not sure or are questioning whether they identify as nonbinary.

WATCH — “I Can’t Go Along:” Fmr Teacher on Schools Grooming “Especially” White Girls with Trans Ideology

Matt Perdie / Breitbart News

Meanwhile, biological males have been invading women’s spaces, participating in their beauty pageants, competing in their sporting events, and landing on the cover of swimsuit magazines — all the while complaining that living in the United States is “nightmarish.”

WATCH — Riley Gaines Interview Clip 9: The NCAA Never Told Us There Would Be a Naked Man in Our Locker Room and Then Made Us Feel Weird for Having Issue with It

Matt Perdie / Breitbart News

You can follow Alana Mastrangelo on Facebook and Twitter at @ARmastrangelo, and on Instagram.


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