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Latest Trump Indictment Proves Deep State Is Trying To Rig Yet Another Election

The same institutions that tormented former President Donald Trump for years with false accusations of collusion with Russia are making yet another brazen attempt to rig the next presidential election against the wishes of the American people.

Democrats and their cronies in the Department of Justice and the FBI have a history of election meddling to achieve their political goals. The raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home and subsequent persecution of the former president by Special Counsel Jack Smith, sanctioned by the same corrupt players who have targeted Americans for wrongthink for years now, prove to be no exception.

There’s nothing the deep state isn’t willing to try to do to keep their biggest threat — Trump and his voters — from regaining power. Democrats and corporate media are so committed to this goal that they didn’t even try to keep their desire to change election outcomes a secret.


In 2016, despite possessing no evidence of collusion from the beginning, the FBI latched onto a thinly-veiled narrative hatched by Clinton campaign operatives to screw over the ruling class’s political opponent. Instead, top Crossfire Hurricane players capitalized on their “open disdain for Trump,” “asserted that they would prevent Trump from becoming President,” and leaked information from the discredited Steele dossier to the corrupt corporate media.

It was around that same time that then-FBI Director James Comey declined to charge Hillary Clinton, whose campaign affiliates started and sold the Russiagate lie to willing participants like federal agencies, for knowingly rerouting classified information to her private email server.

Despite the deep state’s interference in the 2016 presidential race, Trump won the White House. His victory was a legitimate one backed by at least half the nation but that didn’t stop Democrats from officially objecting to his certification, as they have done to every Republican president this century.

This open attempt to undermine the president continued well into Trump’s administration, with two failed impeachments and incessant smears from the corporate media. By the time the 2020 election cycle rolled around, the ruling class’s general consensus that Trump shouldn’t hold office pervaded every major institution in the United States.


Undermining Trump wasn’t an easy task considering that under his administration, Americans and “America first” policies were flourishing at home and abroad. When a lab in communist China apparently got a little too careless with their dangerous viral experiments, the left knew it was go time. Cue nearly a year of what Federalist Editor-In-Chief Mollie Hemingway called “The Revenge of Fake News” in her book “Rigged.”

While leftist-backed riots rampaged the nation’s cities, Democrats all over the U.S., under the guise of “Covid-19,” made significant changes to several swing states’ election codes such as expanding mail-in voting, adding drop boxes statewide, and relaxing verification standards for absentee ballots. These changes benefitted Democrats and anyone who wanted to commit fraud, which is why so many blue state leaders attempted to make them permanent even after the height of lockdowns passed.

Not only were Democrats and the corporate media completely out for Trump, but Big Tech also jumped on the bandwagon. Social media platforms like Twitter repeatedly censored the president or made sure stories about President Joe Biden’s vast corruption never saw the light of day.

The collective decision by Big Tech and corporate media in October 2020 to nuke stories detailing what was found on Hunter Biden’s laptop and amplify a letter smearing the reporting as likely Russian disinformation — a project which was solicited by the Biden campaign and the CIA — influenced the outcome of the election. One in six Biden voters said they would have changed their vote if they had known about Biden’s numerous scandals.

Meanwhile, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg funneled hundreds of millions of dollars toward a private takeover of government election operations that would heavily favor Democrats in key states.

It worked. But to the corrupt complex that schemed for years, handing Trump a carefully crafted loss and Democrats complete victory over the White House and Congress wasn’t enough. They wanted Trump out of the running permanently and the only way to do that was to make him a criminal.


First, the FBI, at the direction of President Joe Biden’s Department of Justice, raided Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home. Then, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, encouraged by corporate media and Democrats, revived a case against Trump that several officials previously declined to pursue. Now, Trump faces punishment for the retention of presidential documents following his departure from the White House, something his predecessors did without any consequences. If the Biden administration gets its way, Trump will also be penalized for exercising his First Amendment rights on Jan. 6, 2021.

The Biden administration’s many cases against Trump are, by all legal standards, weak. This latest documents indictment, specifically, was clearly “a set-up from the start.” Even some of Trump’s biggest haters admit that the prosecutions conjured up by seething Democrats are a feeble attempt to keep the former president from winning the White House again. A majority of Americans similarly see the Biden regime’s definition of “justice” as a sham and want the FBI castigated for trading true accountability for partisanship.

The deep state does not care. As long as Trump is ousted and the conservative crusade to purge the powers that be of corruption dies, they will ensure the next election goes in their favor by whatever means necessary. Democrats are dead set on indicting Trump because they know they can’t beat him — nor the idea that the corrupt bureaucratic complex needs to die — fair and square.

Jordan Boyd is a staff writer at The Federalist and co-producer of The Federalist Radio Hour. Her work has also been featured in The Daily Wire, Fox News, and RealClearPolitics. Jordan graduated from Baylor University where she majored in political science and minored in journalism. Follow her on Twitter @jordanboydtx.

The Federalist

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