Jesus' Coming Back

Islamist Mob in Pakistan Savagely Beats Grocer with Planks of Wood

An online video has been published showing an Islamist mob viciously beating an older Christian shopkeeper with planks of wood in Pakistan.

The British Asian Christian Association (BACA) reports that Yaqoob Masih, aged 61, was sitting on a chair in his grocery shop in Sian Village in Daska, Punjab, when the incident happened on May 22. A violent gang entered the store and attacked the man with large planks. The graphic video shows the shopkeeper sitting dazed as the assailants rained down blows with rudimentary weapons.

Masih was admitted to Tehsil Hospital in Daska for two days, where he received medical care for severe bruises on the right side of his abdomen, a minor fracture to his right arm and also his hands were bruised. His wife, Parveen Bibi, aged 55, was also physically and verbally abused by the gang.

Masih’s nephew was also beaten by the mob and suffered cuts and bruises to his head and arms.

The thuggery happened after male members of Masih’s family asked Muslim boys to stop harassing Christian girls leaving a prayer meeting at United Reformed Church in the Sian village on May 3. It is alleged they had been circling the women on bicycles and catcalling them. The harassment had been an ongoing issue and made the women uncomfortable. A fight broke out between the young Christian men and Muslims, with the latter calling accomplices to the scene.

Akash Masih, aged 26, was one of the Christians beaten on that occasion.

He told the BACA: “Over a long period of time, these boys have been harassing our girls, catcalling them and hooting using inappropriate gestures.

“Enough was enough; it became unbearable. How could we allow them to disrespect our women like this?

“We contacted local police, but they did nothing.”

After the attack on Masih’s shop on May 22, the mob rampaged through the village and damaged other shops and homes. This was in response to the refusal of local Christians to stop pursuing legal justice in courts against the thugs after the incident outside the prayer meeting on May 3.

The report by the BACA states: “The Muslim community in Sian are financially well off and are politically powerful. There are around 30 Christian families, most of whom work as farm laborers. Christians suffer constant bullying and persecution in the area, and this new wave of intensified hatred by Muslims has left them anxious and in a state of extremely low morale.”

Photo courtesy: ©Getty Images/Hansslegers

Christopher Eyte lives with his wife Céline and three children in Swansea, Wales, UK. He has worked as a journalist for many years and writes his own blog ( encouraging others in their walk with Jesus. He became a Christian in February 2002, after a friend explained God’s amazing grace!


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