June 12, 2023

See also: Call Them What They Truly Are: The Fascist Far Left

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With apologies to William Shakespeare (a white supremacist, we’re reliably informed by university academics), shall we compare the American government and Democrat party with the German Nazis of their day?  As Elizabeth Barrett Browning might say, let us count the ways. 

Holocaust aside (so far), Nazi fascists and American Democrats — (D) voters included — are a distinction without a difference.  

As Steve McCann wrote in his excellent American Thinker article this past March, BLM and Antifa are the ruling regime’s chosen violent street thug enforcers, the equivalent of the Nazi SA (Stormtroopers), while the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) are the extralegal police state SS (Schutzstaffel) of the (D) party.

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Polls show that a large majority of registered Democrat voters admire these groups and their tactics, cheering on the atmosphere of intimidation, violence, censorship, confiscation of private assets, suspension of due process, arbitrary arrests of political foes, imprisonment of dissidents, and many other related abuses.  

But aren’t fascists right-wingers, as gesticulating, spittle-flecked presidential historians like Michael Beschloss tell us?

Yeah, no.  While epitomizing and celebrating centralized power, and abolishing freedoms, fascists and communists (much like Beschloss himself) each occupy one side of the same far-left socialist coin — once again, a distinction with no meaningful difference.  A fascist by any other name would be the same.

Walking around in large cities with white skin and identifying as conservative in the America of 2023 is akin to wearing a Star of David in the Germany of 1938.  Hyperbole, you say?  Try walking around downtown in any large American city with a MAGA hat on, and count the minutes — nay, seconds — until you are physically or verbally assaulted.  Or murdered outright.  Social media are ironclad proof that Democrat voters undulate their hips and get their groove thing on anytime something awful happens to a prominent conservative.  

If they could push a button to erase your existence, they would not hesitate.  And if they can’t push the button themselves, they will support a government that promises to push the button on their behalf. 

How’s this truncated checklist below vis-à-vis WWII-era fascists and modern (D) government officeholders and their (“Good German”) progressive voters?