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Republicans Target Mayorkas for Contempt and Impeachment Over Terrorists Crossing Border; More Suspected Terrorists Found Illegally Crossing Southern Border In April Than In Four Trump Years Combined

Republicans target Mayorkas for contempt and impeachment over terrorists crossing border:

House Republicans are considering holding Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas in contempt of Congress and could further ignite efforts to impeach the Biden Cabinet official, the Washington Examiner has learned.

House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-LA) announced Monday afternoon that Mayorkas had failed to thoroughly answer questions from three House committees on the number of illegal immigrants arrested at the border who were on the FBI’s terror watch list.

A spokeswoman for Scalise said Mayorkas had opened himself up to serious consequences by withholding national security information, including being held in contempt of Congress and impeachment.

“All options are on the table,” said Scalise spokeswoman Lauren Fine in an email to the Washington Examiner.

House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH), House Oversight and Government Accountability Chairman James Comer (R-KY), and House Homeland Security Chairman Mark Green (R-TN) had asked Mayorkas in a May 19 letter to provide documents and other information about the increasing number of illegal immigrants with terrorism ties who were apprehended at the southern border.

“Secretary Mayorkas failed to substantively respond to this important national security request,” Scalise said in a press release.

A Department of Homeland Security spokesperson contacted about Scalise’s comment told the Washington Examiner that the department “responds to congressional correspondence directly via official channels” and would respond appropriately. —>READ MORE HERE

More Suspected Terrorists Found Illegally Crossing Southern Border In April Than In Four Trump Years Combined:

Border Patrol agents caught 16 people on the FBI’s terror watch list trying to illegally cross the U.S. southwest land border between entry ports in April, bringing this fiscal year’s suspected terrorist arrest total up to nearly 100.

Not only is 16 higher than the recorded combined arrest totals from fiscal years 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020 but it’s the same as the total number of suspected terrorists apprehended at the southern border in FY 2021. Data from U.S. Customs and Border Protection also suggests that the number of suspected terrorists arrested in April alone was five times the three watch list apprehensions listed for all of FY 2019 and FY 2020.

There are still five months left in the 2023 fiscal year, which means that 2022’s arrest total of 98 people on the watch list, an all-time record for the U.S., will be easily surpassed in the coming months. Already, CBP data says 98 noncitizen watch list members were arrested at American borders in 2023, all but two of whom were caught at the southern border. Reports of more potentially dangerous foreign nationals trying to infiltrate the U.S. in May have also surfaced.

Ever since Biden took office in January 2021, border arrests have skyrocketed. The number of suspected terrorists captured by border agents may be small compared to the 1,734,686 and 2,378,944 illegal border crossers apprehended at the U.S.-Mexico border in FY 2021 and FY 2022, respectively, but it is important.

Despite the Biden administration and corporate media’s attempts to downplay the ongoing border crisis, internal alarm over the escalating number of terror watch list members caught entering the U.S. prompted CBP in April of 2022 to create an “Enforcement Statistics” page detailing all of its agents’ “Terrorist Screening Data Set Encounters.” At that time, roughly 42 people listed on the terror watchlist had been arrested attempting to enter the U.S. since Biden became president —>READ MORE HERE

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