The Lilliputians are All in Conspiracy Against Trump
June 14, 2023
As Jonathan Swift put it in “Thoughts on Various Subjects, Moral and Diverting”: “When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him.”
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The framing of Donald Trump continues. Fear and loathing are motivators, but, most importantly, the hope is to lash Trump to the ground so that he can’t rise to the presidency in 2024. Multiple indictments are the ropes.
Convicting Trump would be icing on the cake, but keeping him sidelined is critical. Trump has now run afoul of the Espionage Act, say federal persecutors. It might as well be the Escargot Act. Does it matter, finally? As establishment mouthpiece Rachel Maddow suggests, federal charges can disappear if Trump scrams from the presidential contest. Fat chance, knowing Trump.
The federal indictment is a needed distraction. The burgeoning bribery scandal involving stumblin’ Joe Biden and his knockoff Ma Barker clan should lead to an impeachment and indictments, but that would take guts by House Republicans, for starters.
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Grasps the establishment: A Trump presidency would be all-out war on their power and prerogatives, a war they worry they’d lose. More and more Americans are against them. That’s where the fear and loathing of Trump comes in because they know that Trump 47 has every incentive to carry the fight to them.
Part Two of “Framing Trump” occurred last week, when dour, pinch-faced Jack Smith was named by hack, chicken-necked U.S. attorney general Merrick Garland as special counsel to render justice concerning the former president. We all know that Biden and his DoJ thirst for justice.
Going from the literary to theatrical, if Arthur Miller’s The Crucible is restaged, boy, do we have a role for Smith, summed up nicely by SparkNotes:
Reverend Parris
The minister of Salem’s church. Reverend Parris is a paranoid, power-hungry, yet oddly self-pitying figure. Many of the townsfolk, especially John Proctor, dislike him, and Parris is very concerned with building his position in the community.
Smith’s paranoia and self-pity are conjecture. Chances are, like much of the establishment, Smith is arrogant and sanctimonious, along with being cynical and power-hungry, making him a fit to play Parris. Those four qualities are prerequisites for establishment players, anyway. His lengthy, vacuous indictment of Trump is worthy of Alvin Bragg.
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Bragg, recall, is the establishment tool Manhattan DA and Al Roker knockoff (before Al went low carb).
A president’s executive privilege is armor. Biden stole classified documents as a senator and vice president. He enjoys no executive privilege. He deserves removal from the White House and zero immunity from criminal prosecution. Yet, keep reminding yourself over and over: Substance matters little; process is everything. Reputations, careers, and lives are destroyed solely through legal processes. Ask Mike Flynn, Tom DeLay, and many others about that.
The Trump witch trials in the making are pure fictions created for venal ends. Salem’s girls weren’t witches, any more than men can be women and vice versa. Trump is guilty only of being Trump and pushing an agenda that threatens too many elites. He’s a man who came along at the right time in history (God has His plans). He possessed then and now the force of personality and drive to strive to “Make America Great Again.” That was an unpardonable sin for the establishment in 2015 and is in 2023. Otherwise, he plays golf, for cripes sake.
Part Three of “Framing Trump” is likely upcoming in Georgia, where DA Fanni Willis in black plurality Fulton county — hence, coincidentally, a heavily Democrat jurisdiction — is angling to indict Trump for 2020 election interference. There’s no end to the sham charges. That’s permitted when the law is weaponization.
Weaponizing the law is exclusively the Democrats’ property. Republicans’ tiny cojones and “sense of fair play and honor” prohibit them from fighting fire with fire. Like Speaker Kevin McCarthy, they tweet endlessly about the injustice being done 45, and the undermining of trust in our system of law caused by sham indictments, but go to war with Democrats and the establishment to rectify these wrongs? Nope.
Wrote Wayne Allyn Root at his website:
[T]his is all happening [the relentless persecution of Trump] because the GOP is a bunch of pathetic, wimpy, cowards — afraid of their own shadow.
Months ago, I laid out the perfect strategy to stop the weaponization of government by Democrats. The dumb GOP didn’t listen. If they had followed my strategy the persecution of Trump would have stopped cold.
My strategy was simple: Republican Attorney Generals and DAs in red states need to indict the real criminals — Obama, Hillary, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Majorkas, Dr Fauci, etc. The list is endless. These are real criminals who have committed treason. They’ve sold out America to China, the CCP, the Mexican Drug Cartels and Big Pharma.
The establishment’s left wing loathes America to its very foundations. The corrupt establishment is vested in the Left’s narratives about racist America because they’re beneficial. The Left lies about America because lies are useful to those who crave power worse than Seattle — pick your Democrat-run city — crack addicts crave their next hits.
From their perspective, Trump is on the wrong side of history. He threatens what they lust for daily, hourly, by the minute: power, and more power. Make no mistake, unassailable dominance is their goal.
Through the auspices of the Democrat Party, the establishment and their allies seek to impose a uniparty “administrative state,” which would fulfill the dream of every so-called progressive predating Woodrow Wilson.
The administrative state, defined in olden times, is run by smart people and experts. Elections are window-dressing. Sound familiar? It’s government of betters, covered with a glossy sheen of benevolence. But cut through the hyperbole and it’s a nifty vessel for tyranny.
It’s exactly what the establishment strives to achieve, though the illusion of tidiness and honesty that past progressives conveyed about administrative governance matters little when power is concentrated in a few hands. Force will assure compliance no matter how nastily, seedily, and brutally the administrative state operates.
If you’re peaceful prolife protesters and parents with gripes at school board meetings and anyone who dares challenge woke, climate, and trans orthodoxies, you’ll find yourself in Merrick Garland’s crosshairs, until Garland is forced to back down — for the time being, anyway. Per the Stasi-like FBI, if you inform on Biden’s corruption, your life may be endangered. What’s that all about and who’d have motive to make threats against a Biden informant?
What Biden and his thugs are unleashing now are mere indications of greater tyranny to come. If the establishment vanquishes Trump — DeSantis and others to follow — it’ll have taken major steps to achieving an administrative state — or if the Left prevails, it’ll impose a cleaner Marxist version of tyranny.
Think that’s too fantastic to happen in America?
While there are Americans who want to deny nasty facts about the establishment’s frankly evil intentions and the deteriorating state of the nation, many millions of others are beginning to see. Their values, beliefs, and what they hold dear are under increasing attack by an unholy alliance of Democrats, establishmentarians, and leftists who mean to demolish the country and replace it with something terribly unfree, awfully un-American.
Donald Trump is the most conspicuous objector to America’s “transformation.” Others, to varying degrees, are being persecuted as Trump is. Wayne Allyn Root is dead on target: If we don’t strike back at the unholy alliance harder than they’re striking us, we’ll see our rights subject to the dictates of smart people and experts. History teaches us how that turns out.
J. Robert Smith can be found regularly at Gab @JRobertSmith. He also blogs at Flyover. He’s recently returned to Twitter. His Twitter handle is @JRobertSmith1.
Image: Jehan Georges Vibert
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