Jesus' Coming Back

Wildfire near Jerusalem’s biblical zoo, aquarium brought under control

The wildfire that broke out in the area of Ein Lavan, close to the Jerusalem Biblical Zoo was brought under control on Thursday evening, Army Radio reported.

As the fire quickly advanced in the direction of the Israel Aquarium and the zoo aided by strong winds, the two sites’ visitors were evacuated.

There was no immediate danger to the animals and only the visitors were evacuated, Israel Fire and Rescue Services stated.

The firefighters established a corridor around the aquarium and the zoo and kept the flames away from them, according to the statement. 

Ten Fire and Rescue Service teams, including planes from the aerial firefighting unit, battled the fire. The fire also threatened the houses of the nearby neighborhood of Mesua.

A wildfire broke out near Jerusalem’s biblical zoo and aquarium on June 15, 2023 (SETH J. FRANTZMAN)

Following the fire, the police closed nearby Aharon Shulov Street and the access road to the Biblical Zoo to vehicle and pedestrian traffic, and asked the public not to approach the area until the fire has been extinguished.

The zoo and aquarium in Israel’s capital

The Israel Aquarium was opened in 2017 after eight years of construction and a total investment of one hundred million shekels.

The aquarium, which was built next to the zoo, includes 33 tanks containing many diverse species such as stingrays, clownfish, sea urchins, and sharks.

The Tisch Family Biblical Zoo in Jerusalem was opened in 1940 and is located in the Malha neighborhood of Jerusalem since 1993.

This is a developing story. Reuters contributed to this report.


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