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Comer: FBI Document Shows Biden Was Referred to as the ‘Big Guy’ Years Before It Surfaced in the Media

Rep. James Comer (R-KY) highlighted Thursday the FBI document containing allegations President Joe Biden engaged in a bribery scheme showed he went by the nickname “the big guy” years before the name surfaced in the media — which he suggested lent credibility to the allegations contained in the document.

Sources familiar with the unclassified FBI document — which reflects information from an “highly trusted” FBI informant — have told the and other outlets that it refers to Biden as “the big guy.”

The informant was referring to conversations he allegedly had with a Ukrainian oligarch believed to be the founder of natural gas company Burisma between 2015 through 2017.

According to the informant, the oligarch told him that he paid “the big guy” $5 million through banks accounts that would take investigators years to find. The informant told the FBI the payment was in exchange for help in dealing with issues, including being under investigation for corruption.

At the time, Biden was the point man for the Obama administration on Ukraine.

The document is containing the informant’s allegations is from June 2o2o, based on conversations held between 2015 and 2017. The nickname “the big guy” in reference to Biden only surfaced in the media years later in October 2020, when the New York Post first reported the contents of an abandoned Hunter Biden laptop, which an email discussing the breakdown of equity from a business deal, with 10 percent “held by H for the big guy?” Former Biden business partner Tony Bobulinski would then confirm that “the big guy” was Joe Biden.

Comer told Fox News’ Maria Bartiromo:

The document, again, is from a credible informant…it said from the oligarch that the investigators will never be able to find this or it will take them over 10 years to find this because of the way we funneled the money through various different banks.

The oligarch also referred to Joe Biden as ‘the big guy.’ Now, Maria, this is years before anyone else knew about the term ‘the big guy,’ and this is years before my committee unveiled the fact that the Bidens had all these shell companies and were laundering money through six different American banks. So, this information, no one would have known about, but the informant tells the FBI.

And what my sources in the FBI tell me is that whether it’s the FBI, the DOJ, or the IRS — anything pertaining to Joe Biden or his family, they were told to stand down, so the people in the FBI didn’t even know about the shell companies the Bidens had, or the money laundering the Bidens had until I had my press conference about six weeks ago…that is when the whistleblower said ‘Oh my God, I remember this accusation and no one in the FBI investigated it.

The nickname “the big guy” in reference to Biden garnered headlines on Thursday, when a reporter asked him directly about it.

New York Post reporter Steven Nelson asked Biden, “Why did the Ukraine/FBI informant file refer to you as the ‘big guy?’”

Biden did not answer the question, and instead said, “Why’d you ask such a dumb question?”

WATCH: Joe Biden Snaps at Reporter over “Big Guy” Question: “Why’d You Ask Such a Dumb Question?”


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