Jesus' Coming Back

Hundreds Of People In South Korea, Tired Of The LGBT Agenda, Block Trucks For Pride Parade

Hundreds of people in the South Korean city of Daegu, tired of the LGBT agenda, blocked trucks for an annual pride parade, as we read in the BBC:

Officials in South Korea’s southern Daegu city have tried to stop an annual LGBT pride festival from taking place, leading to clashes with the police.

Officers had to forcibly remove city workers to allow organisers to set up for Saturday’s annual event.

Local businesses and several churches failed to get a court injunction to ban the festival earlier this week.

The Daegu Queer Culture Festival has been held in the city’s central district since 2009.

Daegu’s conservative Mayor Hong Joon-pyo supported the motion for an injunction, which sought to ban the festival over claims large numbers of people on the streets would restrict local businesses.

The court sided with the festival host earlier this week, saying that freedom of expression was as important as freedom of business.

The clashes began early on Saturday morning when hundreds of Daegu officials, led by the mayor, stopped trucks of festival organisers from entering the main venue in the Dongseongno district.

There were cheers from event organisers after police removed local government workers to ensure the safety of the “legitimate” event.

The mayor of Daedu, Hong Joon-pyo, not only wants to stop the LGBT agenda, but also wants to revive the death penalty. South Korea is not really associated as a place with a lot of egregious crimes, but they do indeed happen. What crime that has been committed has Hong pointed to to further justify his position on bringing back the death penalty? Here is a report from Seoul Shinmun:

While a man in his 20s was arrested and indicted for raping and murdering a 20-month-old child, Hong Joon-pyo, a preliminary candidate for the presidential election of People’s Power, expressed his will to revive the death penalty.

Hong Joon-pyo, a preliminary candidate, shared an article on Facebook on the 31st, saying, “Shouldn’t this kind of person be executed? When I become president, this kind of person will definitely be executed.” On June 30 last year, preliminary candidate Hong proposed a bill that would require the execution of death within six months for those who have been sentenced to death for committing heinous crimes or crimes against humanity.

This Hong guy wants to stop the LGBT agenda and bring back the death penalty for heinous crimes. He has the right idea.


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