Jesus' Coming Back

Interesting moment from 1980s Vaccine history.

Here’s the thing: there will always be a percentage of people that experience side effects, sometimes detrimental side effects, when a vaccine is pumped into their system. That’s just the way it is. Think of it this way. Some people are allergic to nuts. If exposed to them, or to the ingredients of nuts in something they’ve eaten unknowingly, anaphylactic shock could well ensue, and they could end up in a hospital or worse, unless there happens to be an EpiPen nearby perhaps. Same thing with vaccines in a way. All of our bodies are different. We’re complex creatures, but vaccines also can and do save countless lives. However, science and the medical establishment has become so corrupted by greed, anything goes now. That’s why they were trying to force the vaccines on all of us, but Covid-19 isn’t smallpox. It’s a virus – a cold virus. Big difference, and the so-called ‘vaccines’ that were created for it aren’t vaccines at all. They’re short-term therapeutics at best, and for some people could well do more harm than good.

In other words, “buyer beware,” so to speak.

Citizen Free Press

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