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Erdan: UNSC must condemn Hezbollah infiltration into northern Israel

The United Nations Security Council must condemn Hezbollah for crossing Israel’s border and building three temporary military structures, Israel’s Ambassador Gilad Erdan told the 15-member body.

“Several weeks ago, two temporary structures (a container and a tent) were erected south of the Blue Line, crossing it by more than 30 meters into Israeli territory,” Erdan said in a letter he sent to the council on Thursday.

“Another tent was erected next to the first one, 55 meters south of the Blue Line and into Israeli territory,” he charged. The construction of the structures on Israeli territory “constitutes a gross violation of Israeli sovereignty,” he added.

The structures are part of an “expansion of Hezbollah’s Radwan forces military compounds and outposts along the Blue Line,” Erdan explained.  

Both incidents reveal the expansion of Hezbollah forces along Israel’s border, he said, adding that during the past year, Hezbollah has built at least 27 new military outposts along Israel’s northern border that are manned by its Radian elite force. It does so under the guise of the NGO “Green Without Borders,” he further alleged. 

 Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations Gilad Erdan addresses the United Nations Security Council, February 20, 2023. (credit: REUTERS/MIKE SEGAR) Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations Gilad Erdan addresses the United Nations Security Council, February 20, 2023. (credit: REUTERS/MIKE SEGAR)

The presence of these structures underscored the failure of the Lebanese government and military to control the Iranian proxy terror group which sits on Israel’s border, Erdan said.

Israel has repeatedly told UNIFIL about Hezbollah outposts along border

Israel has repeatedly given information about these military outposts to the UN Interim Force in Lebanon, which is a peacekeeper force tasked with monitoring such activity and has raised the issue with UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, Erdan explained.

Israel “expected the UN to report the gross violations .. and bring these disturbing developments to the knowledge of the Security Council,” he said, adding that the Lebanese government must ensure the removal of the outposts.

“Hezbollah systematically deprives UNIFIL of its ability to implement its core missions, in order to assure that its military build-up continues unhindered in Southern Lebanon,” Erdan said.

“Israel will not accept any violation of its sovereignty and retains the right to take all necessary measures to protect its territory,” Erdan exclaimed.

“The Security Council,” he stated, “must demand the Lebanese authorities act immediately and without further delay to dismantle and remove these structures.”


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