Jesus' Coming Back

Hunter Whistleblower’s Lawyer: We Have Contemporaneous Corroboration by Others for My Client’s Claim that Contradicts Garland

On Friday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “The Story,” Mark Lytle, the attorney for whistleblower Gary Shapley, said that you don’t have to take Shapley’s word for it that Trump-nominated U.S. Attorney David Weiss said he wasn’t in charge of whether charges were filed against Hunter Biden because the transcript of Shapley’s congressional interview includes a contemporaneous email where IRS Special Agent in Charge Darrell Waldon confirms Shapley’s claim.

Lytle stated, “I would love to point people to some of the records that have just been released yesterday. Exhibit 10 to Gary Shapley’s transcript is…around page 178 of the transcript, it’s a copy of the email that Gary Shapley — where he took contemporaneous notes of that meeting with U.S. Attorney Weiss. And it wasn’t just Gary Shapley that was at that. That was a senior leadership meeting at the U.S. attorney’s office that was attended by the Special Agent in Charge from the IRS, it was attended by Gary Shapley himself, it was attended by the special agent in charge from the FBI, and the assistant special agent in charge from the FBI. And Gary Shapley wrote up to his superiors — which included that same Special Agent in Charge that was at the meeting and he described it. And he said, Weiss stated that he is not the deciding person on whether charges are filed and he described the whole [series of] events that Weiss laid out at that meeting, which was his red letter meeting, where Weiss said he tried to go to the D.C. U.S. attorney’s office and they wouldn’t approve it and he was trying to charge it elsewhere in California and he was trying to seek special counsel authority and they — that got denied. And so, this was a shocker to the agents who were present.”

He continued, “And of note [in] this email that’s in exhibit 10 is the fact that Special Agent Shapley sent this up the chain to his command, including to Darrell Waldon, who attended it, the Special Agent in Charge, and asked Darrell Waldon, did I get this right? And Darrell Waldon says, yes, you did. And so, if he had gotten it wrong, Darrell Waldon would have said, no, I never heard that before. So, there is credibility, there’s corroboration of what Special Agent Shapley is saying.”

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