June 25, 2023

We’re learning more about the actual origins of the Ukraine war, and they reveal Western governments’ contemptible and failed leadership. The conclusion is that this remains a completely unnecessary war with the American government operating using an out-of-date Cold War mentality that benefits only the military-industrial complex. Nevertheless, most establishment Democrats and Republicans continue to support a war that NATO deliberately orchestrated. This is a war that could have and should have been avoided, yet it marches us down the path to nuclear holocaust.

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Colonel Jacques Baud, a Swiss Intelligence Officer, has written a comprehensive book about how the war started: Operation Z: The Hidden Truth about the War in Ukraine. In it, he explains how Europeans hated and feared Vladimir Putin, which saw the EU insist that Ukraine should not trade with Russia but must, instead, enter into a trade agreement with them. This European trade dispute first impinged on the American consciousness when Victoria Nuland, acting for the Obama Administration, orchestrated the 2014 coup, ousting the pro-Russian government.

In December 2014, George Friedman, president of the U.S. geopolitical intelligence platform STRATFOR, said in an interview with the Russian magazine Kommersant:

Russia defines the event that took place at the beginning of this year [February 2014] as a coup organized by the U.S. And in truth, it was the most blatant [coup] in history.

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Then, in 2016, while Obama was still in the White House, the US deployed a land-based air defense system—the “Aegis Ashore”—in Deveselu, Romania. In early 2022, America set up the same system in Redzikowo, Poland. The system can launch Tomahawk nuclear missiles that need only 10 minutes to fly to Moscow.

Can you spell provocation? This situation is like the October-November 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis that brought the world to the brink of nuclear war. The Soviet Union, then led by Nikita Khrushchev, placed approximately forty nuclear missiles less than one hundred miles from Florida.

Image: Mass grave in Mariupol, Ukraine. YouTube screen grab.

In 1961, the US government put Jupiter nuclear missiles in Italy and Turkey. It had also sponsored a CIA-led force of some 1500 Cuban exiles, who were armed and trained to overthrow the Castro regime that had seized power in 1959. The Bay of Pigs (Bahia de Cochinos) invasion lasted only five days, from April 15, 1961, to April 19, and was an unqualified disaster.

Castro feared American forces would try again, so he welcomed Soviet missile placements on his island. The 61-year-old Khrushchev believed he could do this with impunity, having engaged with the 44-year-old, naïve John Kennedy in a summit some six weeks after the Bay of Pigs fiasco. For Kennedy, the summit was also a disaster. The Soviet leader rolled Kennedy, and the latter said that Khrushchev “beat the hell out of me.”

In a spectacular turnaround, Kennedy negotiated his way out of the nuclear crisis without firing a shot. We removed our missiles from Italy and Turkey while promising not to invade Cuba again. For his part, the Soviet leader removed his missiles from Cuba.

Fast forward 61 years, and the West again baited a despot. One year later, we’re getting service announcements in the United States about what to do during a nuclear strike. Last August, Liz Truss, then England’s Foreign Secretary, said she would hit the nuclear button even if it meant global annihilation. It was as if they were trying it out on the public to see if people would accept nuclear war. All this drama and fear-mongering could have been avoided.