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Tucker Carlson: Gavin Newsom Leading the ‘Coup’ Against Joe Biden 

Tucker Carlson claimed that California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) is leading the “coup” to replace President Joe Biden as leader of the Democrat Party during the seventh installment of Carlson’s Twitter show.

Carlson brought up the latest IRS whistleblower revelations that showed Biden was in the same room as his son Hunter while the younger Biden was messaging his CCP-linked Chinese business affiliate.

Noting the media’s characterization of the story as one of a “father’s love,” Carlson said, “That’s the way you talk, when you’ve got nothing to fear from an upcoming presidential election.”

“You don’t even bother to think of an excuse for your candidate, because you don’t need to, your country has electronic voting machines. Joe Biden got 81,282,916 votes in 2020. And you’re pretty sure he can do it again. In fact, you know he can, you’re not worried,” Carlson added.

However, he said Democrats “should be a little worried,” because Biden, who would be 85 at the end of a second term, has “begun that descent” from “acuity to permanent unconsciousness.”

Carlson recognized that if Biden could not finish his presidency, the keys to the nation’s highest office would be turned over to Vice President Kamala Harris, who recently plunged to a record-low net favorability for a vice president.

“That means Kamala Harris will become President of the United States. And nobody wants that. Not even her husband. In real life Nnobody likes Kamala Harris, That’s not an attack on her. In fact, it’s possible to feel pity for someone who’s so universally reviled,” Carlson said. “It is instead an observation of unchanging physical reality, like gravity or photosynthesis. Nobody wants Kamala Harris to be president. No one will benefit if she becomes president.”

He then said whoever the Democrats select to replace Biden would have to be “as shallow, ruthless, and transactional” as Biden.

“And there’s only one man in modern America who fits that description. Gavin Newsom, the governor of California and perhaps not coincidentally, Joe Biden’s new closest friend,” Carlson noted.

Carlson mocked Newsom for claiming that he is “mesmerized” by Biden.

“‘I get mesmerized by you, Joe Biden.’ Imagine saying that as a compliment. You couldn’t do it. Few human beings could do it, but Gavin Newsom had no problem at all,” Carlson concluded. “Those words rolled right off his fork tongue. He never stopped smiling. So if you’re looking for the leader of the coup, there he is right there.”

Jordan Dixon-Hamilton is a reporter for Breitbart News. Write to him at or follow him on Twitter.


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