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Exclusive — Elise Stefanik: Polling Shows It’s Time to Unite Behind Donald Trump

GOP House Conference Chair Elise Stefanik (R-NY) called for unity behind former President Donald Trump’s 2024 campaign after Siena polling on Wednesday revealed Trump dominating the GOP primary in New York with majority support.

According to the poll, 61 percent of New York State registered Republican voters support Trump. Just 34 percent say they support someone else. Five percent are undecided.

“Now is the time for Republican voters to unite behind his campaign and focus on winning back the White House,” Elise Stefanik exclusively told Breitbart News. “Over the past few months, it became clear that President Trump ran away with the Republican nomination and is the best candidate to defeat Joe Biden in 2024.”

“President Trump continues to dominate the Republican primary polls nationally, and the same is true right here in New York State, according to the latest Siena Poll, showing Trump winning by over 50 percent,” she added. “I hear from voters across the state that we need President Trump back in the White House to save America from the disastrous policies of Joe Biden.”

The poll also reveals Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis earns just 31 percent support, 30 points behind Trump, while former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley and former Vice President Mike Pence follow with just nine percent each.

The poll sampled 817 New York State registered voters from June 20-25 with a 3.9 percent margin of error.

Gavin Wax, president of the New York Young Republican Club, told Breitbart News he expects Trump to continue his domination throughout New York State’s 62 counties.

“Make no mistake about it, Republicans in New York are overwhelmingly behind President Trump and the MAGA movement,” he said. “We have seen numerous pro-MAGA candidates beat establishment-backed candidates in primaries from New York City to Erie County.”

Despite Trump’s two indictments, which he dubs political hoaxes, his polling among GOP candidates has remained steady since he announced a presidential campaign in November.

According to a recent Monmouth poll, a majority of Republican voters believe Trump is the best Republican presidential primary candidate to defeat President Joe Biden in 2024. A poll in May found Trump with 58 percent support, while DeSantis fell into the teens with 16 percent support. That 42-point lead reflects a three-point uptick for Trump and a four-point decrease for DeSantis since a previous survey.

Trump also consistently leads Biden in general election polling.

A Harvard/Harris poll in June found 45 percent of registered voters would back Trump over Biden, who only drew 39 percent support. In May, polling showed Trump leading Biden by seven points, garnering 47 percent to Biden’s 40 percent.

Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.


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