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Bereaved mother attacks IDF after ‘they murdered my boy in training’

Rachel, the mother of Or Israelov who was killed on Tuesday in a training exercise in the IDF’s Paratroopers Brigade, said on Wednesday in an interview with Walla: “They murdered him in a training accident.”

According to the mother, who claimed that the commanders didn’t do enough to save his life, the soldier warned against safety issues during the training.

“I don’t buy the nonsense that they said that there was no helicopter, they could have airlifted him in a helicopter and saved his life. I would have accepted him being injured, with severed legs and severed arms, and still would have taken care of him.”

Or’s cousin, Adi Avrahami, criticized the IDF’s conduct. “You send a child to the army, and you are sure that during the course of his service, he is protected and looked after. We understand that there was negligence and failures,” she shared in an interview with Walla. “Our captive family will no longer be what it used to be.”

Lessons should be learned, all IDF officers are programmed by heart, while parents are torn to pieces. I didn’t wish or expect a knock on the door at 06:00 in the morning and to be told the devastating sentences that have been echoing in their mouths for years: ‘We regret to inform you that your son Or was killed last night,’ and that’s it, it’s over,” the mother continued. “Everyone disappeared as if I didn’t raise him for 18 and a half years.”

 Israeli Golani soldiers seen during a firing training in a fire range at the Golani divisional training base, on August 1, 2021. (credit: OLIVIER FITOUSSI/FLASH90) Israeli Golani soldiers seen during a firing training in a fire range at the Golani divisional training base, on August 1, 2021. (credit: OLIVIER FITOUSSI/FLASH90)

“I raised him with values and ethics, and I nurtured him. I told him to be a good friend, to help others. The IDF was foremost in my mind, with the Memorial Day for soldiers in my school. The joy of my life, the lights and wonders that I raised and nurtured for years. I only gave him the good things. He always said that it was important to him that Mom and Dad are okay, he told me that what I say to him is sacred. I told him it’s his choice, and I can only guide the way, what your heart chooses,” she said.

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“We only hear half sentences, hoping to hear the truth, but here a tragedy happened that shattered entire families and I’m already doubtful if they will manage to stand on their feet again,” Adi continued.

Moshe, Or’s cousin, added, “Telling the truth is not a mistake, it’s an IDF failure that I really hope they will at least be transparent with us and tell the truth about what happened instead of covering it up.”

Adi recounted the difficulties following the tragic accident at the Paratroopers’ base. 

According to Adi, “We’re in a dreamlike state, not taking it in and not wanting to. Or was an only child and special, who hadn’t even begun his life, it’s strange to end a life that hasn’t even started yet. He had a good heart, was humble, modest, kind, full of giving, and caring for his parents. We were hit by a disaster, a tragedy that cannot be expressed in words.”

“In a week, he was supposed to finish a course he had been eagerly waiting for, he was an outstanding soldier,” Adi said as she put on the shirt the family prepared in honor of the course’s completion, which had the inscription “Or, you are the world champion.” 

Adi further stated, “He looked forward to his red beret; I was supposed to sing at the end of the course, instead, I sang at his funeral yesterday.”


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