Jesus' Coming Back

White House Journo Who Fed Her Question To Joe Biden Elected To WHCA Board Seat

The same White House reporter whose question was caught on a cue card for President Joe Biden just announced her election to the print seat on the White House Correspondents Association (WHCA) Board.

Courtney Subramanian of the Los Angeles Times will hold this board position for the next three years, meaning she will be the lead print correspondent for the rest of President Joe Biden’s first term.

This is the same reporter whose face and name appeared on a cheat sheet Biden was holding at a joint press conference with the president of South Korea on April 26. The notecard previewed what appeared to be a version of Subramanian’s question well before she asked it. 

Biden’s defenders have argued Subramanian’s question was not identical to what was on the cue card, which read, “How are YOU squaring YOUR domestic priorities — like reshoring semiconductors manufacturing — with alliance-based foreign policy?”

Her actual question, however, was clearly just a more verbose version of what Biden had been prepped with. “Your top economic priority has been to build up U.S. domestic manufacturing in competition with China, but your rules against expanding chip manufacturing in China is hurting South Korean companies that rely heavily on Beijing,” she said. “Are you damaging a key ally in the competition with China to help your domestic politics ahead of the election?”

Not surprisingly, Biden’s answer matched the word choice of the cheat sheet: “Remember [that] America invented semiconductors,” the president urged attendees.  

The Los Angeles Times reportedly denied allegations that it submitted its questions to Biden’s White House ahead of time — a denial eagerly parroted by CNN — but the whole ordeal was another reminder of Biden’s concerning physical and mental decline, suggesting he is incapable of answering basic questions about his own domestic and foreign policy without a script. 

Worse, NotecardGate further exposed the corrupt relationship between powerful Democrats and the media that cover for them — a relationship that just rewarded the reporter in question with a seat on the board of the WHCA, an association of so-called journalists known for its commitment to left-wing activism over honest reporting.

For instance, the WHCA selectively defends outlets and their reporters. “The WHCA filed an amicus brief when the Trump administration revoked Jim Acosta’s (of CNN) hard pass, released a statement defending CNN’s Kaitlan Collins when she was barred from an event, and filed another amicus brief to challenge the revocation of Brian Karem’s hard pass,” The Spectator’s Amber Athey wrote. “However, the WHCA voted to remove conservative One America News Network (OANN) from the briefing room rotation for not abiding by its contrived social distancing guidelines, even though OANN’s correspondent had been personally invited to be in the briefing room by the Trump administration.”

The White House Correspondents’ Association is also known for bestowing prestigious awards upon media partisans. In 2020, it gave its Aldo Beckman Award for Overall Excellence in White House Coverage to PBS reporter Yamiche Alcindor, an activist who used her perch in the White House press briefing room, on TV, and on Twitter to attack Republicans with fake fact-checks and accusations of racism, while praising Joe Biden for being so “moral” and “decent.”

According to the WHCA’s latest seating chart for the presidential press briefing room released in February 2022, only nine of the nearly 50 media seats are for outlets that lean conservative — and of this already small group, more than half are placed in the back row. The entire system is designed to boost corrupt, establishment media and their favorite narratives — and it just elected another willing participant to help.

The Federalist

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