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If President Joe Biden Were Innocent In Foreign Bribery Scheme, He Would Have Spoken Up By Now; Heroic IRS Whistleblower Testimony Ensnarls Hunter and Joe Biden in Bribery Scheme

If President Joe Biden Were Innocent In Foreign Bribery Scheme, He Would Have Spoken Up By Now:

Biden could answer many questions about whether he sold out his country to financially enrich his family but he won’t.

President Joe Biden has many, many personal and public problems and many, many strategies for downplaying them to the sympathetic corporate media. Keeping his mouth shut is not usually one of them — yet that’s exactly the route the senior Biden is taking when it comes to allegations about his participation in an international bribery scheme during his vice presidency.

There are plenty of questions Biden could answer about whether he sold out his country to financially enrich his family.

What exactly does the Biden family do to warrant massive payments from foreign nationals? How many Bidens are profiting from this? Was Joe Biden really in the room when Hunter was threatening a Chinese Communist Party official for not keeping a “commitment” over WhatsApp? Why did a Ukrainian FBI informant refer to Joe Biden as “the big guy?” Does that mean Biden was on the receiving end of foreign money designated for “the big guy?” Why were millions of dollars of payments diverted to the Bidens through a series of diluted payments to multiple bank accounts?

I could go on and on and on and on.

The truth is, if the Bidens’ multimillion-dollar family “business” is legitimate, the president wouldn’t have a problem answering basic questions about allegations of wrongdoing. Yet, even when a question about the evidence implicating the president slips through corporate media gatekeepers, Biden and the White House resort to silence.

When he does speak up, Biden and his team merely insist that the president has done nothing wrong ever. —>READ MORE HERE

Heroic IRS whistleblower testimony ensnarls Hunter and Joe Biden in bribery scheme:

Every taxpayer who dutifully hands over their hard-earned cash every year to the government should be enraged by IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley’s testimony about how senior leaders at the Department of Justice, the FBI and the IRS sabotaged the five-year investigation into Hunter Biden and allowed him to walk away with a laughably lenient plea deal and unpaid taxes.

Shapley is a hero, as is the second IRS whistleblower who came forward to the House Ways and Means Committee over the last month to tell the truth about an egregious abuse of power at the highest level of the federal government to protect the president from evidence that implicated him in his son’s overseas business dealings and which line agents worried could have national security implications.

There are two strands to this growing scandal.

First is the original story of political corruption first revealed on Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop, which The Post broke on Oct. 14, 2020.

Second is the cover-up, which, like Watergate, has become the bigger scandal.


Both strands are covered in Shapley’s bombshell testimony unsealed last week, and are backed up with new evidence he provided, including documents and messages retrieved from a search warrant of Hunter Biden’s iCloud, conversations from recorded internal IRS and DOJ meetings and interview transcripts with associates of Hunter Biden.

Shapley provides further evidence to add to what we previously have reported, that Joe Biden lied repeatedly to the American people when he said he knew nothing about his son Hunter’s overseas business dealings.

In fact, as we have reported, Joe Biden met with Hunter’s foreign business partners on at least a dozen occasions.

Shapley adds to the list with evidence that Joe joined Hunter and his business partners from the Chinese energy company CEFC at a lunch at the Four Seasons in Washington, DC.

This meeting was revealed by Biden family friend Rob Walker when he was interviewed by an IRS and FBI agent in December 2020. —>READ MORE HERE

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