July 3, 2023

Fulton County District Attorney, Fani Willis has some formidable hurdles to clear in her quest to convict Donald Trump for interfering in Georgia’s 2020 election. She plans to indict the former President in the Atlanta courthouse in August. Ms. Willis has put together a list of Georgia-state election crimes to charge him with. Among those, Ga. Code Ann. § 21-2-603 — “conspiracy to commit election fraud.” If all goes well, she will add racketeering to the list; based on something to do with Trump’s collusion with “fake electors.”

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The first hurdle Willis must confront is of her own making. She will enter the courtroom with the assumption that President Trump’s claims that the 2020 election was “rigged” are false; and have proven to be “baseless.” She treats this assumption as if it were universally accepted fact: Trump is lying

Trump’s “big lie” is fundamental to her case. To support her premise, she may cite the dozens of judges who have tossed the Trump legal team’s lawsuits from their courts, seeing no evidence of fraud in the 2020 election. She is not so likely to draw the court’s attention to the fact that millions of Americans, who are not judges, have seen a plethora of evidence that amounts to nothing short of a calculated coup d’état, coordinated across several states. Such evidence ranges from expert analysis to published graphs showing impossible spikes in Biden votes in three battleground states: Wisconsin, Michigan and Georgia. These fantastic vote spikes were logged in the wee hours of election night when, according to reports, no observers were present, as would be required by law. As J.R. Dunn has stated, The prosecution is going to have a very hard time stating a case without allowing in evidence that they desperately don’t want anyone to hear.”

Perhaps the most compelling evidence comes from testimony, given under penalty of perjury, from hundreds of Americans who witnessed illegal activity at the polls during this election. Perjury carries up to a ten-year prison term along with a hefty fine. So, the chances of these people bearing false witness is extremely unlikely. We have such witness testimony across the several contested states, including Michigan and Arizona. Though, perhaps the state where this witness testimony is most succinctly documented and most readily accessible is the state of Georgia. This is the first hurdle Willis will need to contend with.

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The second hurdle she must negotiate rises out of her ignorance (intentional or not) of the scope of authority bestowed upon a sitting POTUS. Much of her case seems to center around a January 2, one-hour conference call between President Trump and Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger; along with their respective attorneys. She singles out a particular sentence, in their conversation, as if it was the smoking-gun evidence that should put Trump behind bars: “All I want to do is this: I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more that we have because we won the state.” We would have to concede that this one-liner, when put into context of the rest of the one-hour conversation, goes a long way to prove that Donald Trump is indeed guilty, beyond reasonable doubt, of being Donald Trump — a crime in itself, perhaps.

The number of written affidavits submitted by witnesses to 2020 election malfeasance in Georgia is uncertain here. However, between January 9 and January 14, 2020, over forty of these witnesses gave videoed testimony at Cobb County Republican Party Headquarters. Half of those testimonies are featured on this NTD web site. At least six of these witnesses, each in separate instances, in three separate counties — Cobb County, Fulton County and Clayton County — report to encountering, between them, thousands of mail-in ballots, in pristine condition — without creases in the paper; showing that these ballots were never folded and mailed. All these ballots were identically marked for Joe Biden.

Add to those six witnesses a poll manager in Fulton County who testifies, under oath, that she and a co-worker, also came across a “batch” of uncreased mail-in ballots. “Every single ballot was absolutely identical. They appeared to be printed…” she reports. “98% of these ballots were for Joseph R. Biden.” Two ballots were for Donald Trump and one for Joe Jorgensen. So now we have at least seven individuals who witnessed significant quantities of mail-in ballots that were clearly counterfeit.

After the jury, assembled by District Attorney Willis, views these 21 testimonies from their fellow Georgians — keeping in mind the severe penalties for perjury and that these witnesses have nothing to gain and everything to loose by testifying — the jury might not be so easily convinced that Mr. Trump’s claims of a rigged election are “baseless.”

While they’re at it, the jury might want to review the controversial State Farm Arena security camera footage, where four (or five) poll workers are filmed running the same reams of ballots through tabulators three times; late at night when no monitors or observers were present. In the conference call with Secretary Raffensperger, Mr. Trump holds this CCTV footage up as indisputable evidence of election cheating in Fulton County:

President Trump: “…they put it in three times, each ballot. …I don’t know why three times. Why not five times?” He can’t resist a facetious jab. But Raffensperger assures him: “Mr. President…We did an audit of that and we proved conclusively that they were not scanned three times.” Clearly, both men can’t be right. Maybe it is time to let an impartial jury decide.