July 4, 2023

One of the best things about a segment on the War Room, after virtually meeting Steve Bannon, is the incoming mail two days later.

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The RNC, the Trump Campaign, almost every Republican state party chairperson believes the road to 2024 electoral victory is to “out-ballot-harvest the left.” It’s hard to argue with absolute nonsense.  To the rescue, however, comes a retired mail carrier who sent the following message:

Message: I am a retired mail man.

I just saw your War Room interview.
I now know where the mules got their ballots. Straight from the post office in returned/undeliverable mail.
While I have zero proof of where they ended up, I had those ballots you were talking about in my mail bag with wrong addresses or lacking apartment numbers or even people that moved and still had ballots delivered to their old apartment.
We put those ballots in a basket and someone came by and picked them up.
Hundreds or even thousands of ballots. 
Who picked them up, where did they go?
Now we know why signature match was removed…
Someone needs to investigate the post office and their democratic union run activities.

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Tell us, RNC, how are you going to beat this? 

The only way to stop the government, in particular the United States Post Office, from gathering hundreds of thousands of loose ballots, all of which go somewhere other than to Republican candidates — is to stop those ballots in the first place.

We know, from numerous sources, that the Post Office is one of several ballot-gathering apparatuses of the Left.  How much ballot harvesting at evangelical churches is needed to make up for government-sponsored ballot harvesting — industrial scale?

A key to winning in 2024 is to identify every, or as close to every as technology and diligent work can enable — every ballot being sent out that will land in that “basket” that “somebody” later picked up.

What are the addresses on those ballots?

  • Ballots mailed to vacant lots — or in Arizona, street corners.
  • Ballots sent to apartment buildings without the unit or APT number.
  • Ballots sent to college dorms for students registered there for decades.
  • Ballots sent to fraternities with a 105-year-old student.
  • Ballots sent to churches — which have no bedrooms, thus cannot be someone’s domicile.
  • Ballots for the person who moved — over a year ago.
  • Ballots mailed to hotels and casinos.
  • Ballots where the address was modified — by the voter commission (as in Arizona) — the week those ballots went out, thus missing the recipient.
  • Ballots sent to Manchurian restaurants, laundromats, banks, and 7-Elevens — all of which are not valid addresses for voters.
  • Ballots sent to UPS and FedEx boxes — sometimes to a dozen people living in that little box.
  • Ballots sent to the apartment building — but the address is the clubhouse — which has no bedrooms.
  • Ballots sent to the 22,000 new voters in a single county entered just days before the election — who were invisible to Arizona Republican candidates in 2022.
  • Ballots sent to Mr. Gonzales, Mr. Gonzalez, Mr. Gonzalles, all at the same address with the same date of birth.
  • Ballots sent to the Wisconsin college dorm that has 1,000 registered voters but can house only 250 adults.
  • Ballots sent to the 11 adults at the single-family Houston home that is 823 square feet with one bedroom and one bathroom.
  • Ballots mailed to people registered at an address in 2020 but the building was not built until 2022.
  • Ballots sent to the rehab facility for dozens of people who claim it as a residence for years.  (Rehab is not a “years” thing.)

Welcome to the Undeliverable Ballot Database.