July 6, 2023

Do you belong to a sex club?  If so, do you claim your sex club dues as an expense on your income tax?  No?  That’s because most of us aren’t Dems and our name isn’t Hunter Biden.

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However, if you are Hunter Biden, you join sex clubs and deduct your dues on your taxes — or at least that’s what an IRS whistleblower has alleged.  Then, when the IRS investigates such bogus tax deductions, your father’s Department of Justice (DOJ) instructs the IRS to back off.

Oh, you didn’t hear about that?  That’s because the Democrat media absolutely refuses to report on such illegal activities of Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, James Comey, Hillary, and all the other Democrats who broke and flouted the law in recent years.

If you’re unaware of what I’m talking about, I’m referring to the daily (almost hourly) fake news that results when our Democrat media (ABC, CNN, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, N.Y. Times, Washington Post, Vox, etc.) ignore the news.  Fake news can be false facts and false statements, but far and away the most prevalent form of fake news occurs when the media actually ignore the news.

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It’s good to be a Dem — you can break the law, the DOJ won’t bother to investigate, and the media won’t report.  If any federal agency is bold enough to investigate a Dem (such as the IRS’s investigation of Hunter), Biden’s DOJ squashes the investigation.  Even worse, the media go along and ignores the story.

Here’s a quick review. 

While Hillary was secretary of state, she maintained a private email account for much of her official business, claiming that it was for “convenience,” to carry one device (a BlackBerry) instead of two.  After the September 11, 2012 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Congress discovered her use of private emails and, as part of its investigation, subpoenaed those emails.  Despite the subpoena, Hillary destroyed over 33,000 emails.  The FBI investigated Hillary’s handling of classified material and discovered that Hillary intentionally destroyed those emails, that she mishandled classified materials, and that she likely broke the law.  However, James Comey, FBI director, concluded that “no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case,” and the FBI and DOJ closed the case against her.

Other Democrats who broke the law by mishandling classified information include

  • Joe Biden, who, while senator and vice president, took hundreds of classified documents, which were discovered in several different unsecure locations.  (His garage was one such location, meaning the materials were completely unguarded.) 
  • James Comey, after he was fired by President Trump, leaked classified material to the media.
  • Barack Obama’s White House staff leaked numerous classified documents to the media with the intent to sway public opinion.
  • Leon Panetta, while CIA director, leaked classified information about the details of the Delta Force raid that killed Osama bin Laden.

All of these Democrats received preferential treatment by not being investigated or held to account for their illegal activities.

The illegal activity by high-ranking Dems, and the DOJ/FBI/media’s subsequent refusal to pursue justice, takes us to Hunter Biden, poster boy for preferential treatment.  Recall that three weeks before the November 2020 election, the the N.Y. Post ran an article about Hunter’s laptop and the thousands of emails found on it.  In short, the Post’s article highlighted years of bribes, extortion, and influence-peddling conducted by Hunter in Ukraine, Kazakhstan, China, and elsewhere.