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French Cities Burn, But Low-Immigration Poland is Peaceful, Says PM Morawiecki at EU Summit; Immigration Crisis: 74% Of French Believe There Are Too Many Migrants In France, 72% Want Referendum

French Cities Burn, But Low-Immigration Poland is Peaceful, Says PM Morawiecki at EU Summit:

France’s Emmanuel Macron rushed from an EU crunch meeting on a new migration deal to address the major rioting at home some claim are a symptom of immigration integration failures, leaving the Polish Prime Minister to sardonically remark on the irony of the situation.

Compare rioting French suburbs and peaceful Polish cities, said Poland’s Mateusz Morawiecki as he drew a link between France’s immigration policies and its social cohesion at an EU summit. Underlining the point, the Polish leader later posted a social media video contrasting happy families enjoying the summer weather in Polish cities to French police armoured personnel carriers crashing through burning barricades on the other side of Europe.

Topics on the table at the European Union leaders summit in Brussels this week included the Ukraine war, Russia sanctions, and agreeing on a new bloc-wide migration deal, but President Macron missed talks Friday as he left early to take control of the government response to massive rioting in French cities and towns.

Some have criticised Macron for his rather hands-off approach to the three-night run of riots triggered by the killing of a teenager by police on Tuesday morning. Macron was photographed partying with Elton John on Wednesday night as clashes between police and rioters went on, and even as violence intensified Macron left the country for a European Union leaders summit in Brussels.

Nasz plan to Europa Bezpiecznych Granic – bezpieczeństwo i porządek publiczny – to są wartości, od których wszystko inne się zaczyna!

— Mateusz Morawiecki (@MorawieckiM) June 30, 2023

Apparently belatedly realising his mistake, President Macron cancelled a media conference and left the crunch talks on immigration policy and Russia early to rush back to Paris to appear present.

Polish Prime Minister Morawiecki used the abrupt departure of the French leader from the immigration summit to needle the pro-open borders policies of Western Europe. Poland has opposed EU plans to force all member states to take migrants and demand cash from those who refuse. —>READ MORE HERE

Immigration Crisis: 74% Of French Believe There Are Too Many Migrants In France, 72% Want Referendum:

A new poll conducted for top French newspaper Le Figaro shows that nearly three out of four French people believe there are too many migrants in the country, with the poll results coming after the country accepted a record number of foreigners in 2022 under President Emmanuel Macron.

The Odoxa-Backbone Consulting poll shows that at nearly every level, the French want stricter immigration controls, more deportations, and even a referendum on immigration into France.

It further shows that French people are becoming increasingly opposed to mass immigration, with 74 percent saying there are too many immigrants in France. This represents an 11-point increase from when the poll was conducted five years ago.

This holds true for supporters of National Rally (97 percent), Republicans (91 percent), Renaissance (68 percent) and even Socialists (52 percent) and Greens (51 percent). Only supporters of Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s left-wing La France Insoumise are in the minority (44 percent) when asked if there are too many migrants in France.

The poll additionally shows that 79 percent of French want asylum seekers to have their requests decided on before they are allowed to enter French territory. Seventy-four percent also believe that immigration quotas should be set each year by the French parliament, and 72 percent believe that migration policy should be decided by a referendum.

The French also want to make the country less socially attractive for migrants (68 percent), to include the principle of assimilation in the Constitution (66 percent) and even to derogate from the European treaties (62 percent). —>READ MORE HERE

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